Question? 0330 057 7655

8:30am to 5:00pm Mon-Fri

Burgess Hill Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Burgess Hill test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Burgess Hill below.

While test routes around Burgess Hill are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Burgess Hill test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Charles Avenue 1 st right
Albert Drive Becomes
Victoria Way Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
London Rd Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
London Rd 2 nd left
Chanctonbury Rd 5 th left
Holmsdale Rd EOR right
Potters Lane EOR right
Station Rd EOR left
Queen Elizabeth Avenue Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Civic Way Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Crescent Rd EOR left
Mill Rd 3 rd left
Leyland Rd Mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit
Leyland Rd Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
London Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
London Rd Roundabout left 1 st exit
Cuckfield Rd Mini roundabout left 1 st exit
Bolney Rd Roundabout left 1 st exit
A23 1 st exit left (Burgess Hill)
Slip Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
A2300 Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
A2300 Roundabout right 4 th exit
Jane Mary Way Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Jane Mary Way Roundabout left 1 st exit
York Way Becomes
Charles Avenue Left

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Burgess Hill test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Charles Avenue Roundabout ahead 3 rd exit
Jane Murray Way Roundabout right 3 rd exit
London Rd T/L right
Keymer Rd Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Keymer Rd 2 nd left
Grand Avenue 4 th left
Mackei Avenue EOR left
Grand Avenue EOR left
Ockley Lane Roundabout right 2 nd exit
Folders Lane Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Folders Lane Roundabout left 1 st exit
B2121 1 st left
Jane Lane EOR left
Valebridge Rd Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
Leyland Rd Mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit
Leyland Rd Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
Petworth Drive 3 rd left
Bramber Way Mini roundabout left 1 st exit
Maple Drive T/L left
London Rd Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
London Rd Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
West Street Roundabout left 1 st exit
Royal George Rd 3 rd right
Victoria Avenue EOR right
Victoria Way Becomes
Albert Drive EOR left
Charles Avenue 1 st right

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Burgess Hill test centre
Road Direction
Charles Avenue 2 nd right
Jubilee Rd EOR left
Jubilee Rd Becomes
Consort Way EOR left
Victoria Way Mini roundabout left 1 st exit
London Rd T/L right
Lower Church Road 1 st left
St John Rd EOR left
Park Rd 2 nd right
St Johns Avenue EOR left
Park Rd EOR right
Mill Rd 1 st right
Crescent Rd Becomes
Civic Way Mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit
Civic Way Roundabout left 1 st exit
Queen Elizabeth Avenue 1 st right
Station Rd 2 nd left
Potters Lane EOR right
Chanctonbury Rd Compulsory left
Londom Rd Roundabout left 1 st exit
London Rd T/L right
Hurst Rd Becomes
Wickham Hill Become
Hassocks Rd Becomes
High Street Mini roundabout right 3 rd exit
Cuckfield Rd 3 rd left
Willow Way EOR left
Cucfield Rd Crossroad ahead
Cucfield Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
A2300 Roundabout right 4 th exit
Jane Murray Way Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Jane Murray Way Roundabout left 1 st exit
York Rd Becomes
Charles Avenue right

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Burgess Hill test centre
Road Direction
DTC right
Charles Avenue Roundabout ahead 3 rd exit
Jane Murray Way Roundabout 2 nd exit
London Rd 1 st right
Chanctonbury Rd Becomes
Queens Crescent Becomes
Wolstonbury Way EOR right
Station Rd Mini roundabout ahead
Station Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Keymer Rd 1 st right
Greenland Drive EOR right
Keymer Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Keymer Rd Becomes
Ockley Lane 1 st right
Ockley Way EOR right
Ockley Way 1 st left
Maner Way EOR left
Mackei Avenue EOR left
Grand Avenue EOR rght
Keymer Rd Mini roundabout ahead 1 st Exit
Keymer Rd T/L right
London Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
London Rd Mini roundabout left 1 st exit
London Rd Mini roundabout left 1 st exit
Victoria Way Becomes
Albert Drive EOR left
Charles Avenue 1 st right

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Burgess Hill test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Charles Avenue Becomes
York Rd Roundabout right 2 nd exit
Jane Mary Way Roundabout ahead 1 st exit
Jane Mary Way Roundabout left 1 st exit
A2300 Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
A2300 Roundabout ahead 3 rd exit
2300 Roundabout right 3 rd exit
A23 Slip Rd Leave A23 at 1 st exit
Cowfold Roundabout ahead 1 st exit
Cowfold Rd EOR left
A272 Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
A272 Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
Cuckfield Rd Becomes
Harvest Hill Roundabout right 3 rd exit
London Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
London Rd T/L left
Maple Drive Mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit
Maple Drive 2 nd left
Perworth Drive Mini roundabout left
Leyland Rd 1 st right
Mill Rd 2 nd right
Park Rd EOR right
Mill Rd 1 st right
Crescent Rd Becomes
Civic Way Roundabout left 1 st exit
Civic Way Roundabout left
Queen Elizabeth Avenue 1 st right
Station Rd 3 rd left
Potters Lane EOR right
Chanctonbury Rd Compulsory left
London Rd Roundabout right 2 nd exit
Jane Murray Way Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Charles Avenue 1 st left

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Burgess Hill test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Charles Avenue 2 nd right
Jubilee Rd EOR left
Consort Way EOR left
Victoria Gardens / Victoria Rd 1 st left
Victoria Gardens EOR left
Royal George Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Sussex Way Roundabout right 2 nd exit, roundabout right 3 rd exit
London Rd T/L right
Dunstall Avenue EOR left
West St Mini roundabout left
London Rd Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
Leylands Rd Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
Junction Rd 4 th left
Cants Lane Mini roundabout ahead, 1 st left
St Andrews Rd EOR left
Manor Rd EOR right
Janes Lane EOR right
B2112 Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Folders Lane Mini roundabout right
Kings Way Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
Folders Lane Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
Keymer Rd Roundabout left
Station Rd Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Queen Elizabeth Avenue Mini roundabout left
London Rd Roundabout right 2 nd exit
Jane Murray Way Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Charles Avenue 1 st left

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Burgess Hill test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Charles Ave Roundabout ahead 3 rd exit
Jane Murray Way Roundabout left 2 nd exit
London Rd Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
Queen Elizabeth Avenue Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Station Rd Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, roundabout right 3 rd exit
Keymer Rd Mini roundabout left 1 st exit
Folders Lane Mini roundabout left 1 st exit
Kings Way Mini roundabout left 1 st exit
Folders Lane Roundabout left 1 st exit
B2112 1 st left
Janes Lane 1 st left
Manor Rd 3 rd right
St Andrews Rd EOR right
Cants Lane Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, EOR
Junction Rd Mini roundabout left
Leylands Rd Mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit, mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit, mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
London Rd Roundabout left 1 st exit
Sussex Way Roundabout left 1 st exit, 1 st left
Howard Avenue EOR left
Sussex Way Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Royal George Rd / Victoria Gardens 2 nd right
Victoria Rd 1 st right
Victoria Gardens / Consort Way 1 st right
Jubilee Rd 1 st right, EOR left
Charles Avenue 1 st right

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Burgess Hill test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Charles Avenue / Albert Drive 1 st right
Victoria Gardens / Victoria Rd 2 nd left
Victoria Avenue EOR right
Royal George Rd 2 nd left
Fairfield Rd 2 nd left
West St Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Sussex Way Roundabout right 2 nd exit, roundabout right 3 rd exit
London Rd Mini roundabout left
Leylands Rd 4 th right
St Peters Rd EOR right
Leylands Rd Mini roundabout ahead, 1 st right
Mill Rd 2 nd left
St Wilfreds Rd 1 st left
Noel Rise EOR right
Leylands Rd Mini roundabout right
Junction Rd 6 th left
Ravenswood Rd EOR left
Marlborough Dr 2 nd right
Ferndale Rd 2 nd right
Glendale Rd EOR left
Silverdale Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Station Rd Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Queen Elizabeth Avenue Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, mini roundabout left
London Road Roundabout right 2 nd exit
Jane Murray Way Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Charles Avenue 1 st left

Route 9

Test Route 9 at Burgess Hill test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Charles Avenue Roundabout ahead 3 rd exit
Jane Murray Way Roundabout 2 nd exit
London Rd T/L right
Station Rd EOR right, mini roundabout ahead, roundabout left 2 nd exit
Silverdale Rd 1 st right
Glendale Rd EOR left
Ferndale Rd EOR left
Marlborough Drive 1 st right
Ravenswood Rd EOR right
Junction Rd Mini roundabout left
Leylands Rd 1 st left
Noel Rise EOR right
St Wilfreds Rd EOR right
Mill Rd 1st left
Leylands Rd Mini roundabout ahead, 1 st left
St Peters Rd EOR left
Leylands Rd Mini roundabout right
London Rd Roundabout left
Sussex Way 2 roundabouts left
West St 2 nd right
Fairfield Rd EOR right
Royal George Rd / Victoria
Avenue 3 rd left
Victoria Rd / Victoria Gardens 1 st right
Albert Drive EOR left
Charles Avenue 1 st right

Route 10

Test Route 10 at Burgess Hill test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Charles Avenue / York Rd 1 st right
Robin Rd EOR right
York Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Jane Murray Way 1 st left
Malt House Lane 1 st right
Chalkers Lane EOR left
Cuckfield Rd Mini roundabout ahead
Brighton Rd B2117 1 st right
A23 1 st exit, EOR right
Unknown Road / Clayton Hill
(A273) EOR left
Brighton Rd T/L ahead
London Rd 2 nd right
Little Corpes Rd EOR right
Priory Rd EOR left
Shepherds Walk 1 st right, EOR right
London Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit, mini roundabout left 1 st exit, mini roundabout left 1 st exit
Victoria Way / Consort Way 2 nd right
Jubilee Way 1 st right, EOR left
Charles Avenue 1 st right

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