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Bury St Edmunds Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Bury St Edmunds test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Bury St Edmunds below.

While test routes around Bury St Edmunds are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Bury St Edmunds test centre
Road Direction
DTC Compulsory left
Parkway North Roundabout ahead 2nd exit
Parkway South Roundabout right 3rd exit
Kings Rd Follow into
Queens Rd Crossroads left
West Rd 3rd right
Abbot Rd 1st left
Winthrop Rd Follow round
Winthrop Rd EOR left
Winthrop Rd EOR left
Abbot Rd 1st right
Cadogan Rd Follow into
Westbury Avenue 1st right
Gainsborough Rd EOR left
Abbot Rd EOR right
Flemyng Rd EOR left
Westley Rd Crossroads right
Westley Village Roundabout right 3rd exit
A14 2nd exit
Rougham Rd Roundabout ahead
Rougham Rd Roundabout right 3rd exit
Southgate St Follow into one way system
Maynewater Lane Ahead
Westgate St 2x mini roundabout 3rd right
Parkway South Roundabout ahead 2nd exit
Parkway South Roundabout ahead 2nd exit
Parkway North 1st right

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Bury St Edmunds test centre
Road Direction
DTC Compulsory left
Parkway North Roundabout right 3rd exit
Risbygate St/Out Risbygate Mini roundabout ahead 2nd exit
Newmarket Rd 3rd left
Dettigen Way 2nd left, EOR left
Dettigen Way 1st right
Dettigen Way T/L left
Newmarket Rd 1st left
Bennett Avenue EOR left
Newmarket Rd Roundabout right 4th exit
A14 1st exit, roundabout left
A143 Roundabout right
A143 Roundabout right 2nd exit
Hollow Rd Mini roundabout right 2nd exit
Eastgate St T/L ahead
Angle Hill/Crown St Compulsory left
Honey Hill 1st right
Sparhawk St 1st available right
Westgate St Ahead
Westgate St Double mini roundabout right 3rd exit
Parkway South Roundabout ahead 2nd exit
Parkway South Roundabout ahead 2nd exit
Parkway North 1st right

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Bury St Edmunds test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
St Andrews St Mini roundabout left
Tayfen St 2nd right
Springfield Rd 2nd left
Springfield Rd EOR left
Out Risbygate Roundabout right 3rd exit
Parkway South Roundabout ahead
Parkway South Double mini roundabout right 3rd exit
Out Westgate T/L right
Petticoat Lane Follow left
Hospital Rd Follow right
West Rd 3rd left
Westbury Avenue 2nd right
Gainsborough Rd EOR left
Westley Rd Follow out
Westerly Staggered Crossroads Right, roundabout right 3rd exit
A14 1st exit, roundabout right 3rd exit
Compiegne Way Roundabout ahead 2nd exit
Tayfen Rd Roundabout ahead 2nd exit
Tayfen Rd Mini roundabout ahead
Parkway North 1st left

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Bury St Edmunds test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
St Andrews St Mini roundabout right
Tayfen Rd Roundabout ahead 2nd exit
Tayfen Rd Roundabout right 3rd exit
Northgate St T/L right
Angle Hill/Crown St Compulsory left
Honey Hill 1st right
Sparhawk St Follow into
Southgate St Roundabout left
Rougham Rd Roundabout ahead 1st exit
Rougham Rd Roundabout left
A14 1st exit, roundabout right 3rd exit
A143 Roundabout right 2nd exit
A143 Roundabout right 2nd exit
Hollow Rd 1st left
Chapel Pond Hill EOR left
Hollow Rd Mini roundabout left
Barton Rd 1st right
Kingsworth Rd EOR left
Kingsworth Rd EOR right
Barton Rd EOR T/L right
Orrtewell Rd Roundabout right 3rd exit
Mount Rd EOR left
Eastgate St/Mustow St T/L right
Northgate St Roundabout left
Tayfen Rd Roundabout ahead 2nd exit
Tayfen Rd Mini roundabout ahead 2nd exit
Parkway North 1st left

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Bury St Edmunds test centre
Road Direction
DTC Compulsory left
Parkway North Roundabout right 3rd exit
Risbygate St/Out Risbygate Mini roundabout left
Westley Rd 2nd left
West Rd 1st right
Westbury Avenue EOR right
Westbury Avenue 1st right
Highbury Rd 1st right
Park Rd EOR left
Cadogan Rd EOR right
Abbot Rd EOR left
Glastonbury Rd 2nd right
Wigston Rd EOR right
Glastonbury Rd EOR left
Horringer Rd T/L ahead
Out Westgate 2x mini roundabout ahead 2nd exit
Westgate St Compulsory left
Crown St Follow right
Honey Hill 1st right
Sparhawk St Follow into
Southgate St Roundabout left
Rougham Rd Roundabout ahead 1st exit
Rougham Rd Roundabout left
A14 2nd exit
Westley Interchange Roundabout left
Newmarket Rd T/L ahead
Newmarket Rd Mini roundabout ahead
Out Risbygate/Risbygate St Roundabout left
Parkway North Right

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Bury St Edmunds test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
St Andrew St (Nth) Mini roundabout left
Tayfen Rd Roundabout ahead
Parkway Rd Roundabout ahead
Parkway Double mini roundabout right
Out Westgate T/L left
Vinery Rd Left
Barons Rd Left
Rembrandt Way EOR right, EOR left
Barons Rd EOR right
Harwick Lane Left
Home Farm Lane Right
Nowton Rd Left
Country Rd EOR left
A134 Roundabout right
Rougham Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout left
A14 Newmarket 1st exit
Bury St Edmunds Roundabout left
Compiegne Way Roundabout ahead
Tayfen Rd Roundabout ahead, mini roundabout left
St Andrews St (Nth) Right

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Bury St Edmunds test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
St Andrews St North Roundabout right
Tayfen Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Northgate T/L left
Mustow St / Eastgate Mini roundabout right
Barton Rd 2nd right
Kingsworth Rd EOR right
Barton Rd EOR T/L left
Orttewell Rd Roundabout right
A143 2nd left
Fornham Rd Roundabout ahead
Russell Baron Rd Roundabout left, roundabout right
Compiegne Way Roundabout left
A14 1st exit, roundabout right, roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Southgate St / Maynewater Lane / Westgate St Double mini islands ahead, right
Parkway South 3rd exit, roundabout ahead
Parkway North Roundabout ahead, right

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Bury St Edmunds test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left, roundabout right
Out Risbygate 3rd left
Albert St Right
Queens St / Westbury Ave Left
Highbury Rd Right
Park Rd EOR right
Highbury Rd Crossroad left
Priors Ave EOR right
West Rd / Hospital Rd / Petticoat Lane T/L right
Out Westgate DC T/L left
Vinery Rd 4th left
Barons Rd 2nd left
Rembrandt Way EOR left
Barons Rd EOR right
Wilks Rd Left
Home Farm Lane / Mayfield Rd / Nowton Rd Roundabout right
Wilks Rd Roundabout ahead
Rougham Rd Roundabout 1st exit, roundabout left
A14 DC Newmarket Take 1st exit
“BSE Central” Roundabout left
Compiegne Way Roundabout ahead
Tayfen Rd Roundabout ahead, mini roundabout ahead
Parkway North Left

Route 9

Test Route 9 at Bury St Edmunds test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
St Andrews St North Mini roundabout right
Tayfen Rd Roundabout ahead 2nd exit
Tayfen Rd Roundabout left
Out Northgate Ahead
Fornham Rd T/L ahead
Mildenhall Rd 1st left
Wordsworth Rd Right
Mitchell Avenue EOR left
Mitchell Avenue EOR right
Trent Rd EOR left
Mildenhall Rd 2nd mini roundabout right 3rd exit
B1106 Roundabout ahead 2nd exit
B1106 Roundabout right 3rd exit
Fornham Bypass Roundabout ahead 2nd exit
A134 Roundabout left
A134 Roundabout right 2nd exit
Hollow Rd 1st left
Chapel Pond Hill EOR left
Hollow Rd Mini roundabout right 2nd exit
Eastgate St/Mustow St T/L ahead
Angel Hill Into
Crown St Left
Honey Hill 1st right
Sparhawk St 1st right
Westgate St Ahead
Westgate St Ahead
Westgate St 2nd mini roundabout right 3rd exit
Parkway South Roundabout ahead 2nd exit
Parkway South Roundabout ahead
Parkway North 1st right

Route 10

Test Route 10 at Bury St Edmunds test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
St Andrew St (Nth) Mini roundabout left
Tayfen Rd Roundabout ahead
Parkway DC Roundabout ahead, double mini roundabout left
Westgate St Left
Crown St Right
Honey Hill Right
Sparhawk St / Southgate St Roundabout left
Rougham Rd Roundabout ahead 1st exit
Rougham Rd DC Roundabout ahead
Bedingfeld Way Roundabout ahead, mini roundabout right
Easlea Rd EOR right
Bedingfeld Way Roundabout right 4th exit
Kempson Way EOR, roundabout ahead
Ortewelle Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout left
Mount Rd EOR right
Eastgate St Mini roundabout right
Barton Rd EOR left
Ortewelle Rd Roundabout left
A143 Compiegne Way Roundabout ahead, roundabout left
A134 DC Roundabout ahead
Compiegne Way Roundabout ahead
Tayfen Rd Roundabout ahead, mini roundabout ahead

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