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Norris Green (Liverpool) Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Norris Green (Liverpool) below.

While test routes around Norris Green (Liverpool) are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Parthenon Drive T/L right
Utting Avenue East 2 nd roundabout left
Townsend Avenue T/L right
Queens Drive Left
Richard Kelly Drive Crossroads ahead
Richard Kelly Drive T/L right
Townsend Avenue 2 nd T/L right
Walton Breck Rd Left
Oakfields EOR left
Oakfield Rd T/L right
Breck Rd After T/L 1 st left
Queens Rd EOR left
West Derby Rd 2 nd T/L left
Lower Breck Rd T/L right
Townsend Lane Becomes
Townsend Avenue T/L ahead
Townsend Avenue 1 st roundabout right, 2 nd roundabout ahead
Utting Avenue East T/L left
Parthenon Drive Left

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Parthenon Drive T/L right
Utting Avenue East 2 nd roundabout left
Townsend Avenue T/L left
Queens Drive 2 nd T/L right
Mill Bank T/L left
Green Lane Right
Lister Drive Right
Orphan Drive EOR left
West Derby Rd T/L ahead
Rocky Lane Right
Boundary Lane Right
Whitefield Rd EOR right
Belmont Rd T/L left
Rocky Lane Becomes
West Derby Rd Roundabout 1 st left
Lisburn Lane 2 nd left
Knocklaid Rd EOR left
Maiden Lane T/L right
Townsend Avenue T/L ahead 1 st roundabout right, 2 nd
roundabout ahead
Utting Avenue East T/L left
Parthenon Drive Left

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Parthenon Drive EOR right, T/L left
Walton Hall Avenue 2 nd T/L right
Queens Drive 2 nd left
Off Slip Roundabout right
Rice Lane 2 nd T/L left
Hornby Rd Roundabout right
Southport Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout 4 th
Moss Lane Left
Johnston Avenue EOR left
Moss Lane EOR left, T/L right
Orrell Lane T/L left
Walton Vale Right
Longmoor Lane T/L right
Long Lane T/L ahead
Parthenon Drive Left, ahead, right
Falklands Approach Right

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Falklands Approach EOR left
Parthenon Drive Crossroads ahead
Parthenon Drive Right
Hartland Rd EOR right
Kingsland Rd EOR left
Townsend Ave T/L right
East Lancashire Rd Left
Knowsley Wood Lane Roundabout right 3 rd exit
School Lane Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
School Lane EOR right
Knowsley Lane Left
Tithebarn Rd Left
Longmeadow Rd Left
Quakers Meadow Left
Ormskirk Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Ormskirk Rd T/L left
East Lancashire Rd T/L left
Townsend Avenue Left
Parthenon Drive Right
Falklands Approach Right
Falklands Approach Right

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Parthenon Drive T/L right
Utting Avenue East 2 nd roundabout ahead
Utting Avenue Right
Richard Kelly Drive T/L left
Walton Hall Avenue T/L ahead
Walton Lane T/L left
Priory Rd T/L right
Arkles Lane Ahead
Arkles Rd EOR right
Walton Breck Rd EOR left
Oakfield Rd Left
Oakfields EOR right
Walton Breck Rd T/L left, right
Lower Breck Rd EOR right
Lower Breck Rd T/L left
West Derby Rd Roundabout ahead, 2 nd exit
Muirhead Avenue Left
Delamain Rd Becomes
Lisburn Lane Crossroad ahead
Malleson Rd EOR left
Larkhill Lane Right
Townsend Lane T/L ahead
Townsend Avenue 1 ST roundabout right,2 nd roundabout ahead
Utting Avenue East T/L left
Parthenon Drive Left

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Falklands Approach EOR right
Parthenon Drive T/L ahead
Lorenzo Drive T/L ahead, roundabout right, T/L ahead
Almonds Green Right
Mill Lane EOR right, T/L right
Queens Drive T/L ahead
Mill Bank / West Derby Rd Roundabout ahead
West Derby Rd T/L right
Lower Breck Rd T/L right
Breck Rd T/L right
Breckfield Rd North Left
Hamilton Rd EOR left
Breckfield Rd North / Robson St T/L right
Walton Breck Rd Left, left
Wylva Rd EOR ahead
Arkles Lane T/L ahead
Utting Avenue T/L ahead, roundabout ahead
Utting Avenue East T/L ahead
Parthenon Drive Left
Falklands Approach Right

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Parthenon Drive T/L ahead
Lorenzo Drive Roundabout right, T/L ahead
Almonds Green Right
Mill Lane EOR left
Barnfield Drive T/L ahead
Melwood Drive Becomes
Deysbrook Lane T/L ahead, left, left
Coachmans Drive EOR right
Deysbrook Lane T/L right
Croxteth Hall Lane T/L left
Oak Rd Left
Kents Bank EOR left
Oak Rd Roundabout right
Dwerryhouse Lane T/L ahead
Lower House Lane T/L left
East Lancs Rd T/L left
Townsend Avenue Left
Parthenon Drive Right

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Parthenon Drive T/L ahead
Lorenzo Drive Roundabout right, T/L ahead
Almonds Green / Town Row T/L Left
Melwood Drive / Deysbrook Lane T/L ahead
Mab Lane Mini roundabout right, T/L ahead
Yew Tree Lane Left
Finch Lane EOR left
Yew Tree Lane Left
Blackmoor Drive Roundabout right
East Prescot Rd T/L right
Eaton Rd 2 nd mini roundabout right, 3 rd exit
Alder Rd EOR left
Blackmoor Drive Right
Alcester Rd EOR left
Leyfield Rd/Town Row/Almonds
Green T/L ahead
Lorenzo Drive Roundabout right 3 rd exit, T/L ahead
Parthenon Drive Left
Falklands Approach Right

Route 9

Test Route 9 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Parthenon Drive Crossroad left
Townsend Avenue 1 st roundabout right, 2 nd roundabout ahead
Utting Avenue 2 nd T/L right
Abingdon Rd EOR Left
Walton Hall Avenue T/L right
Queens Drive T/L ahead
Balliol Rd T/L right
Hawthorne Rd Roundabout right, 3 rd exit
Oxford Rd Left
Fernhill Rd Left
Earl Rd EOR left
Fernhill Rd T/L right
Aintree Rd Roundabout ahead
Hornby Rd T/L left
Rice Lane Becomes
Walton Vale Right
Longmoor Lane T/L right
Long Lane Becomes
Stopgate Lane T/L ahead
Parthenon Drive Left, crossroad ahead, right
Falklands Approach Right

Route 10

Test Route 10 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
Falklands Approach EOR right
Parthenon Drive T/L left
Utting Avenue East T/L left
Lower House Lane T/L ahead
Lower Lane Left
Long Lane EOR left
Lower Lane T/L right
Longmoor Lane T/L left
Aintree Lane Becomes
Wango Lane Mini roundabout, left
School Lane Left
Melling Rd Left
Seeds Lane T/L right
Longmoor Lane T/L left
Long Lane T/L left
Brookfield Drive T/L right
Lower Lane T/L right
East Lancs Rd T/L left
Townsend Avenue Left
Parthenon Drive Right
Falklands Approach Right

Route 11

Test Route 11 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Parthenon Drive T/L ahead
Lorenzo Drive Roundabout right 3 rd exit, T/L right
Muirhead Avenue East Left
Eaton Rd North Right
Three Butt Lane Left
Queens Drive 3 RD T/L right
Derby Lane T/L left
Prescot Rd T/L right
BRdgreen Rd EOR left
Edge Lane Drive Becomes
A5080 (Slip Rd) Left
Bowring Park Rd T/L left
Thomas Lane Left
Seymour Rd Left
Thomas Lane T/L ahead, Becomes
Brookside Avenue Roundabout left 1 st exit
East Prescot Rd T/L right
Eaton Rd Right
Bonsall Rd EOR left
Town Row Becomes
Almonds Green T/L ahead
Lorenzo Drive Roundabout right 3 rd exit, T/L ahead
Parthenon Drive Left
Falklands Approach Right

Route 12

Test Route 12 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Parthenon Drive T/L ahead
Lorenzo Drive Roundabout 3 rd exit right, T/L ahead
Almonds Green Right
Mill Lane EOR left
Barnfield Drive Right
Eaton Rd Left
Alvanley Rd Crossroads right
Blackmoor Drive Crossroads ahead, roundabout 4 th
East Prescot Rd Left
Thomas Lane EOR right, 2 nd T/L ahead
Rocky Lane Left
Bowland Avenue EOR right
Bentham Drive Crossroad left
Rocky Lane T/L right
Queens Drive T/L right
Muirhead Avenue East T/L left
Lorenzo Drive Roundabout right, T/L ahead
Parthenon Drive Left
Falklands Approach Right

Route 13

Test Route 13 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Parthenon Drive Crossroad right
Townsend Avenue T/L left
Eastlancs Rd T/L ahead
Walton Hall Avenue T/L left
Queens Drive T/L right
Utting Avenue Crossroad left
Cherry Lane Right
Richard Kelly Drive T/L ahead
Maiden Lane Crossroad ahead
Adshead Rd Left
Knocklaid Rd EOR right
Lisburn Lane Roundabout ahead
West Derby Rd / Mill Bank T/L ahead
Mill Lane Left
Mill Lane EOR left
Almonds Green T/L ahead
Lorenzo Drive Roundabout right, T/L ahead
Parthenon Drive Left
Falklands Approach Right

Route 14

Test Route 14 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Parthenon Drive T/L ahead
Lorenzo Drive Roundabout right, T/L right
Muirhead Avenue 2 nd left
Liddell Rd Right
Halsey Avenue EOR left, EOR right
Culme Rd EOR left
Queen Drive T/L left
Mill Lane / Barnfield Drive T/L right
Town Row Right
Darley Drive Left
Aysgarth Avenue EOR right
Darley Drive EOR right
Town Row / Leyfield Rd EOR ahead
Yew Tree Lane T/L left
Princess Drive T/L left
Deyesbrook Lane / Melwood Drive T/L right
Town Row / Almonds Green T/L ahead
Lorenzo Drive T/L right, roundabout ahead
Parthenon Drive Left
Falklands Approach Right

Route 15

Test Route 15 at Norris Green (Liverpool) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Parthenon Drive Crossroads ahead, right, T/L left
Walton Hall Avenue T/L ahead
Walton Lane / Everton Valley T/L Left
Netherfield Rd Right
Prince Edwin St Right
Netherfield Rd Right
Islington T/L ahead
Brunswick Rd T/L ahead
West Derby Rd Left
Caird St / Queens Rd Right
Breck Rd / Townsend Lane / Townsend Avenue EOR Right
Utting Ave East T/L left
Parthenon Drive Left
Falklands Approach Right

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