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Lincoln Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Lincoln test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Lincoln below.

While test routes around Lincoln are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Lincoln test centre
Road Direction
Bishops Rd EOR left
Outer Circle Rd T/L ahead
Outer Circle Drive Left
Browning Drive EOR left
Nettleham Rd Roundabout right
Longdales Rd Right
Sudbrooke Drive EOR right
Woodhall Drive Right
Laughton Way Left
Cabourne Ave EOR left
Nettleham Rd T/L ahead
Lincoln Rd T/L ahead, roundabout ahead
A46 Right
Washdyke Lane Right
Greetwell Lane EOR left
Wragby Rd Right
Kennel Lane EOR right
Hawthorn Rd EOR left
Wragby Rd T/L ahead
Wragby Rd T/L left
Outer Circle Rd Right
Bishops Rd Right
Proctor Rd Right

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Lincoln test centre
Road Direction
Bishops Rd EOR left
Outer Circle Rd T/L ahead
Outer Circle Drive Left
Addison Drive Right
Ruskin Ave Roundabout left
Nettleham Rd Right
Broadway Left
Newport Right
Rasin Lane Right
Saxon St / Mildmay St / Mount St EOR right
Burton Rd Roundabout left
Yarborough Rd Right
Long Leys Rd Left
Saxilby Rd Roundabout left
By Pass A46 Roundabout ahead
By Pass Roundabout right
Lincoln Rd T/L ahead, T/L left
Outer Circle Drive T/L ahead
Outer Circle Rd Right
Bishops Rd Right
Proctor Rd Right

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Lincoln test centre
Road Direction
Bishops Rd EOR left
Outer Circle Rd T/L ahead
Outer Circle Drive Left
Addison Drive Right
Lamb Gardens Left
Macaulay Drive Right
Ruskin Ave Roundabout ahead
Longdales Rd Roundabout ahead
Yarborough Crescent Roundabout left
Burton Rd Right
Upper Long Leys Rd Left
The Avenue T/L right
West Parade / Hewson Rd EOR right
Carholme Rd Roundabout right
By Pass Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Lincoln Rd T/L left
Wolsey Way EOR right
Wragby Rd T/L left
Outer Circle Rd Right
Bishops Rd Right
Proctor Rd Right

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Lincoln test centre
Road Direction
Bishops Rd EOR left
Outer Circle Rd T/L left
Wragby Rd Right
Austin Walk EOR right
Chaucer Drive Left
Swift Gardens Left
Addison Drive Right, right
Ruskin Ave Roundabout ahead
Longdales Rd Right
Ravendale Drive Left
Sudbrook Drive Right, EOR right
Laughton Way Left
Scopwick Place Left
Riseholme Rd Roundabout left
By Pass Roundabout left
Carholme Rd T/L left , T/L right
Newland Left
Orchard street EOR right
West Parade / Corporation St / Clasket Gate T/L left
Lindum Hill T/L right
Greetwell Rd Left
Outer Circle Drive Left
Bishops Rd Right
Proctor Rd Right

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Lincoln test centre
Road Direction
Bishops Rd EOR left
Outer Circle Rd T/L left
Wragby Rd Right
Lee Rd EOR right
Nettleham Rd Left
Broadway EOR right
Newport Roundabout left
Yarborough Crescent Roundabout ahead
Yarborough Rd / The Avenue 2 x T/L ahead
Carholme Rd T/L right, roundabout right
By Pass Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Lincoln Rd T/L ahead, T/L left
Outer Circle Drive T/L ahead
Outer Circle Rd Right
Bishops Rd Right
Proctor Rd Right

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Lincoln test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Outer Circle Rd T/L left
Wragby Rd Right
Lee Rd EOR right
Nettleham Rd Roundabout right
Ruskin Ave EOR left
Wragby Rd / Bunkers Hill Right
Hawthorn Rd Right
Croft Lane / High St Left
Elm Ave EOR right
Laburnum Drive EOR right
Fiskerton Rd / Greetwell Rd Left
Alenby Rd Right
Roman Pavement EOR right
Greetwell Rd Left
Outer Circle Rd Left
Bishops Rd Right
Proctor Rd Right

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Lincoln test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Outer Circle Rd T/L ahead
Outer Circle Drive T/L right
Lincoln Rd Roundabout left
By Pass Roundabout left
Riseholme Rd Right
Queen Elizabeth Rd Left
Queen Mary Rd Left, EOR right
Buchanan Close EOR left
Queen Elizabeth Rd EOR left
Burton Rd Left
Breedon Drive Left
Burton Rd Roundabout right
Yarborough Rd Left
Upper Long Leys Rd Left
Burton Rd Right
Mount St / Mildmay Left
Vere St EOR left
Newport Right
Broadway Left
Nettleham Rd Roundabout ahead, T/L ahead
Lincoln Rd T/L ahead
Wolsey Way EOR right
Bunkers Hill T/L left
Outer Circle Rd Right
Bishops Rd Right
Proctor Rd Right

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Lincoln test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Outer Circle Rd T/L ahead
Outer Circle Drive Left
Addison Drive Right
Lamb Gardens Right, right
Addison Drive Left
Ruskin Ave T/L right
Wragby Rd Left
Curle Ave Left
Wragby Rd T/L right
Greetwell Gate / East Gate T/L right
North Gate / Church Lane / Newport Roundabout ahead
Riseholme Rd Roundabout right
By Pass Roundabout left
Lincoln Rd Right
Deepdale Lane EOR right
East St / Church St EOR right
High St / Washdyke Lane Left
Greetwell Lane EOR right
Wragby Rd Roundabout ahead
Bunkers Hill T/L ahead, T/L left
Outer Circle Rd Right
Bishops Rd Right
Proctor Rd Right

Route 9

Test Route 9 at Lincoln test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Outer Circle Rd T/L ahead
Outer Circle Drive Left
Addison Drive Right
Lamb Gardens Right, right
Addison Drive Right
Ruskin Ave Roundabout ahead
Longdales Rd Right
Revendale Rd EOR left
Laughton Way Right
Sudbrooke Drive EOR left
Woodhall Drive EOR left
Laughton Way Right
Scopwick Place EOR right
Riseholme Rd Roundabout right
By Pass Roundabout ahead
By Pass Roundabout right
Bunkers Hill 2 x T/L ahead
Wragby Rd Left
Lindum Rd EOR left
Lindum Terrace EOR right
Sewell Rd / St Annes Rd EOR right
Greetwell Rd Left
Outer Circle Rd Left
Bishops Rd Right
Proctor Rd Right

Route 10

Test Route 10 at Lincoln test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Outer Circle Rd EOR ahead
Alenby Rd / Monks Rd Left
Tempest St / Winn St EOR right
Baggholme Rd EOR right
Monks Rd Left
Millman Rd / Sewell Rd EOR right
St Annes Rd EOR left
Greetwell Rd T/L ahead
Greetwell Gate / East Gate T/L right
North Gate / Church Lane / Newport Left
Newport Roundabout ahead
Riseholme Rd Roundabout right
By Pass Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Bunkers Hill T/L ahead, T/L left
Outer Circle Rd Right
Bishops Rd Right
Proctor Rd Right

Route 11

Test Route 11 at Lincoln test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Outer Circle Rd T/L right
Bunkers Hill T/L ahead, roundabout ahead
Wragby Rd Left
Greetwell Lane EOR right
Washdyke Lane / High St Left
Church St / East St Left
Deepdale Lane Left, EOR left
Lincoln Rd Roundabout right
By Pass Roundabout left
Riseholme Rd Right
Queen Elizabeth Rd EOR left
Burton Rd Left, roundabout ahead, left
Raisin Lane EOR right
Newport / Church Lane EOR left
Nettleham Rd Right
Lee Rd EOR left
Wragby Rd Right
Outer Circle Rd Right
Bishops Rd Right
Proctor Rd Right

Route 12

Test Route 12 at Lincoln test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Outer Circle Rd T/L ahead
Outer Circle Drive Left
Addison Drive Right
Lamb Gardens Right, right
Addison Drive Right
Ruskin Ave Roundabout right
Nettleham Rd T/L ahead
Lincoln Rd T/L ahead, roundabout left
By Pass Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Saxilby Rd Right
Long Leys Rd EOR left
Yarborough Rd Roundabout ahead
Yarborough Crescent Roundabout right
Newport Left
Broadway EOR right
Nettleham Rd Left
Lee Rd EOR left
Wragby Rd Right
Outer Circle Rd Right
Bishops Rd Right
Proctor Rd Right

Route 13

Test Route 13 at Lincoln test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Outer Circle Rd T/L right
Bunkers Hill T/L ahead, right
Hawthorne Rd Right
Croft Lane Left
Church Lane Right
Newstead Ave / Laburnum Drive EOR right
Fiskerton Rd / Greetwell Rd Left
Alenby Rd Right
Tower Drive / Roman Pavement EOR left
Greetwell Rd T/L ahead
Greetwell Gate / East Gate T/L ahead
North Gate / Nettleham Rd Right
Lee Rd EOR left
Wragby Rd Right
Outer Circle Rd Right
Bishops Rd Right
Proctor Rd Right

Route 14

Test Route 14 at Lincoln test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Outer Circle Rd EOR ahead
Alenby Rd Right
Tower Drive / Roman Pavement EOR right
Greetwell Rd / Fiskerton Rd Left
Church Lane Left, EOR right
Croft Lane Left, EOR right
Hawthorn Rd Left
Kennel Lane EOR left
Wragby Rd Roundabout right
By Pass Roundabout left
Lincoln Rd 2 x T/L ahead
Nettleham Rd Roundabout ahead, left, T/L left
East Gate / Langworth Gate EOR ahead
Wragby Rd Right
Outer Circle Rd Right
Deacon Rd / Bishops Rd Left
Proctor Rd Right

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