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8:30am to 5:00pm Mon-Fri

Grantham (Somerby) Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Grantham (Somerby) test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Grantham (Somerby) below.

While test routes around Grantham (Somerby) are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Grantham (Somerby) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Cecil St EOR right
St. Anne's St EOR right
Dudley Rd EOR left
St Catherines Rd Right
Welham St EOR left
Avenue Rd T/L right
High St T/L ahead
Watergate T/L right
Brook St / Broad St Follow left
Manthorpe Rd T/L right
Belton Lane Right
Harrowby Lane Roundabout left, right
Kenilworth Rd EOR right
Harrowby Lane EOR right
High Dyke EOR right
A52 Roundabout right
Somerby Hill / Bridge End Rd Right
Harrowby Rd Left
St Catherines Left
Dudley Rd Left
Granville St Right
Cecil St Right

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Grantham (Somerby) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Cecil St EOR right
St. Annes St EOR right
Dudley Rd Right
Granville St EOR left
Harrowby Rd T/L ahead
Sandon Rd EOR right
Hill Avenue Left
Signal Rd EOR right
Harrowby Lane Roundabout left, left
5 th Avenue EOR right
Alma Park EOR left
Belton Lane T/L left
Manthorpe Rd Left
Castlegate Right
Bluegate Right
Swinegate Left
Brook Street Left
Watergate T/L right
Westgate Roundabout left
Wharf Road T/L ahead
St Catherines Right
Dudley Rd Left
Granville St Right
Cecil St Right

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Grantham (Somerby) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Cecil St EOR left
Granville St EOR right
Dudley Rd EOR left
St Catherines T/L ahead
Wharf Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit, left
Harlaxton Rd Right
Earlsfield Lane Left
Holis Rd Left
Earlsfield Lane Right
Derwent Rd Follow left
Foston Rd EOR left
Goodliffe Rd EOR left
Trent Rd T/L right
Harlaxton Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
A1 1 st exit, EOR right
A52 Right
Gloucester Rd EOR right
Barrowby Rd R/B right
Barrowby Gate EOR left
Dysart Rd T/L ahead, roundabout left
Wharf Rd T/L ahead
St Catherines Right
Dudley Rd Left
Granville St Right
Cecil St Right

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Grantham (Somerby) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Cecil St EOR left
Granville St EOR right
Dudley Rd EOR left
St Catherines T/L left
London Rd T/L right
Springfield Rd T/L left
Harlaxton Rd Left
Denton Avenue Right
Rosemary Crescent Right
Kitty Brigs Lane EOR left
Harlaxton Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
A1 1 st exit, EOR right
A52 Right
Gloucester Rd EOR right
Barrowby Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Sankt Augustin Way T/L, follow left lane, left
Westgate T/L right
High Street Left
Finkin Street Crossroads ahead, right
Castlegate EOR left
Stonebridge Rd Right
Welham Street EOR left
St Catherines Right
Dudley Rd Left
Granville St Right
Cecil St Right

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Grantham (Somerby) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Cecil St EOR right
Granville St EOR left
Harrowby Rd T/L right
New Beacon Rd 1 st left
Hill Avenue 1 st right
Sandon Rd EOR left
Harrowby Lane EOR left
Belton Lane T/L right
Manthorpe Rd 2 nd left
Sancliffe Rd 2 nd right
Dale Rd 2 nd left
Teesdale Rd EOR left
Sandcliffe Rd Roundabout right
Longcliffe Rd EOR left
Manthorpe Rd 1 st right
Belton Lane / Gonerby High St EOR left
Gonerby Hill 4 th left
Stevenson Avenue EOR left
North Parade T/L left
Brook St T/L left, T/L right
Castlegate 1 st left
East St Crossroads ahead
Welham St EOR left
ST Catherine’s 1 st right
Dudley Rd 1 st left
Granville St 1 st right
Cecil St Right

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Grantham (Somerby) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Cecil St EOR right
St. Anne's Rd EOR right
Dudley Rd EOR left
St Catherines Rd Right
Welham St EOR left
Avenue Rd T/L right
High Street / Watergate T/L ahead
Barrowby Rd Roundabout right, roundabout ahead, left
Gloucester Rd EOR left
A52 Left
A1 North Roundabout right
Gonerby Rd Roundabout left
Gonerby Hill Left
Belton Lane EOR right
Manthorpe Rd T/L left
Belton Lane Right
Hill Avenue Right
Sandon Rd T/L ahead
Harrowby Rd Right
Granville St Right

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Grantham (Somerby) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Cecil St EOR left
St. Anne's Rd EOR left
Harrowby Rd T/L left
Stone Bridge Rd / Avenue Rd Right
Elmer St / Swinegate T/L left
Brook St T/L ahead
North Parade / Gonerby Hill Foot Right
Hazelwood Left
Cherrywood EOR left
Stevenson Avenue Left
Vale Rd EOR left
Cliffe Rd EOR right
Gonerby Hill Right
Belton Lane EOR right
Manthorpe Rd T/L left
Belton Lane Right
Harrowby Lane Roundabout right
New Beacon Rd T/L left
Harrowby Rd Right
Granville St Right

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Grantham (Somerby) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Cecil St EOR right
St. Anne's Rd EOR right
Dudley Rd EOR left
St Catherines Rd T/L left
London Rd T/L left
Bridge End Rd / Somerby Hill Roundabout left
A52 Left
High Dyke Left
Belton Lane Left
Sunningdale Rd EOR left
Belton Lane T/L left
Manthorpe Rd T/L left
Castlegate EOR left
Stonebridge Rd T/L right
Harrowby Rd Right
Granville St Left
Cecil St Right

Route 9

Test Route 9 at Grantham (Somerby) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Cecil St EOR right
St. Anne's Rd EOR left
Dudley Rd Left
Stuart St EOR right
Harrowby Rd EOR right
Bridge End Rd T/L ahead
Springfield Rd T/L ahead
Trent Rd Roundabout ahead, EOR left
Dysart Rd / Low Rd Right
Hedgefield Rd EOR left
Reedings Rd EOR right
High Rd EOR left
A1 Slip Rd EOR right
A52 Right
Gloucester Rd EOR right
Barrowby Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Sankt Augustin Way T/L follow left lane
WestGate Roundabout left
Wharf Rd T/L ahead
St Catherines Right
Harrowby Rd Right
Granville St Left
Cecil St Right

Route 10

Test Route 10 at Grantham (Somerby) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Cecil St EOR right
St. Anne's Rd EOR right
Dudley Rd EOR left
St Catherines Right
Welham St EOR left
Avenue Rd T/L right
High St / Watergate T/L ahead
Barrowby Rd Roundabout right, roundabout ahead, left
Gloucester Rd EOR left
A52 Left
A1 Slip Rd Right
High Rd (Barrowby) EOR left
Main St / Low Rd Right
The Drift EOR left
A607 Roundabout left
Harlaxton Rd T/L right
Springfield Rd 2 T/Ls ahead
Bridge End Rd Left
Harrowby Rd Left
St Annes St Right
Cecil St Left

Route 11

Test Route 11 at Grantham (Somerby) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Cecil St EOR right
St. Anne's Rd EOR right
Dudley Rd EOR left
St. Catherines Rd Right
Welham St EOR left
Avenue Rd T/L right
High Street / Watergate T/L ahead
Barrowby Rd Roundabout right, left
Winchester Rd EOR right
Barrowby Gate Roundabout left
Barrowby Rd Left
A1 Slip Rd / A1 1 st exit , roundabout left
Swingbridge Rd Roundabout right
Trent Rd Left
Goodliff Rd Right
Earlsfield Lane Right
Hollis Rd EOR right
Earlsfield Lane EOR left
Harlaxton Rd Right
Hunting Tower Rd EOR left
Springfield Rd T/L ahead
Bridge End Rd Left
Harrowby Rd Left
St Annes St Right
Cecil St Right

Route 12

Test Route 12 at Grantham (Somerby) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Cecil St EOR right
St Annes St EOR left
Dudley Rd Left
Bridge St EOR right
Harrowby Rd EOR right
Bridge End Rd T/L right
London Rd Left
Station Rd Right
Commercial Rd Right
Brewery Hill EOR left
Wharf Rd Roundabout ahead
Sankt Augustin Way T/L ahead, roundabout left
Barrowby Rd Roundabout ahead, left
Gloucester Rd EOR right
Barrowby Rd Roundabout right
Barrowby Gate EOR right
Dysart Rd Into
Low Rd Right
Hedgefield Rd EOR left
Reedings Rd EOR right
High Rd EOR left
A1 Slip Rd EOR right
A52 Right
A1 South 1 st exit, right
Swingbridge Rd EOR left
Harlaxton Rd T/L right
Springfield Rd T/L ahead
Bridge End Rd Left
Harrowby Rd Left
St Annes St Right
Cecil St Left, right

Route 13

Test Route 13 at Grantham (Somerby) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Cecil St EOR left
St. Anne's Rd EOR left
Harrowby Rd T/L left
Stonebridge Rd T/L right
High St T/L ahead
Watergate T/L ahead, T/L right
Brook Street T/L left, T/L ahead
Manthorpe Rd T/L ahead, right
Longcliffe Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout left
Kingscliffe Rd Roundabout right
Longcliffe Rd Roundabout right
Sandcliffe Rd Roundabout right
Longcliffe Rd EOR left
Manthorpe Rd Right
Belton Village Right
Heath Lane Right
Five Gates Rd EOR right
Belton Lane Left
Alma Park Rd EOR right
Harrowby Lane Roundabout exit
New Beacon Rd T/L left
Harrowby Rd Right
St Annes Rd Right
Cecil St Left

Route 14

Test Route 14 at Grantham (Somerby) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Cecil St EOR right
Granville St EOR left
Harrowby Rd T/L right
New Beacon Rd Left
Hill Avenue Right
Signal Rd EOR right
Harrowby Lane Roundabout left, left
5th Avenue EOR right
Alam Park Rd Left
Ruston Rd EOR left
Alam Park Rd EOR right
Belton Lane Left
Five Gates Rd EOR left
Heath Rd EOR left
Belton Village EOR left
Manthorpe Rd T/L ahead, T/L left
Castlegate EOR right
Avenue Rd T/L left
High Street T/L ahead
London Rd T/L left
Bridge End Rd Left
Harrowby Rd Left
Stuart St Right
Cecil St Left

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