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Preston Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Preston test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Preston below.

While test routes around Preston are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Preston test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Chain Caul Rd EOR right
Chain Caul Way EOR left
Navigation Way Roundabout left
Peddars Way T/L right
Watery Lane Left
Powis Rd EOR left
Tulketh Rd Right
Victoria Parade EOR right
Waterloo Rd Roundabout left
Tulketh Brow T/L right, T/L ahead
Woodplumpton Rd Roundabout right
Cadley Causeway Roundabout right
Black Bull Lane Roundabout left
Lytham Rd Right
Ainslie Rd EOR left
Queens Rd Right
Hardcastle Rd Right
Symonds Rd Right
Ainslie Rd Left
Queens Rd Left
Plungington Rd T/L right
Blackpool Rd T/L left
Tulketh Brow T/L left, roundabout ahead, T/L right
Water Lane T/L ahead
Watery Lane T/L left
Peddars Way Roundabout right
Navigation Way Right
Chain Caul Way Left
Chain Caul Rd Right

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Preston test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Chain Caul Rd EOR left
Chain Caul Way Roundabout right
Nelson Way T/L right
Riversway T/L ahead
Watery Lane T/L ahead
Water Lane T/L left
Tulketh Brow Roundabout ahead, T/L right, right
Roebuck St EOR left
Inkerman St T/L ahead, EOR right
Lytham Rd Left
Mill Lane EOR right
Cadley Causeway Roundabout right
Black Bull Lane Roundabout ahead
Plungington Rd T/L ahead, T/L right
Aqueduct St EOR right
Fylde Rd T/L left
Water Lane T/L right
Tulketh Rd Left
Egerton Rd EOR left
Peddars Lane T/L ahead
Pedders Way Roundabout right
Navigation Way Right
Chain Caul Way Left
Chain Caul Rd Right

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Preston test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Chain Caul Rd EOR right
Chain Caul Way EOR left
Navigation Way Roundabout ahead
Mariners Way Roundabout left
Portway T/L right
Watery Lane T/L ahead
Water Lane T/L left
Tulketh Brow Roundabout ahead, T/L ahead
Tom Benson Way Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Tanterton Hall Rd Right
Tag Lane Roundabout ahead
Woodplumpton Rd Left
Lytham Rd Right
Brook St T/L right
Blackpool Rd T/L left
Tulketh Rd Right
Egerton Rd EOR left
Peddars Lane T/L ahead
Reddars Way Roundabout right
Navigation Way Right
Chain Caul Way Left
Chain Caul Rd Right

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Preston test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Chain Caul Rd EOR right
Chain Caul Way EOR left
Navigation Way Roundabout left
Reddars Way T/L right
Watery Lane T/L left
Water Lane T/L left
Tulketh Rd T/L right
Blackpool Rd T/L right
Tulketh Brow T/L left, roundabout right
Waterloo Rd Left
Beech Grove EOR left
Tulketh Rd T/L right
Water Lane T/L left
Strand Rd T/L right
Fishergate T/L ahead, T/L right
Port Way Roundabout ahead, T/L left
Watery Lane Right
Powis Rd EOR left
Tulketh Rd Left
Egerton Rd EOR left
Peddars Lane T/L right
Riversway Left
Nelson Way Roundabout Left
Chain Caul Way Right
Chain Caul Way Right

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Preston test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Chain Caul Rd EOR right
Chain Caul Way EOR left
Mariners Way Roundabout left
Peddars Way T/L ahead
Peddars Lane Left
Whinfield Lane Becomes
Larches Lane Right
Larches Avenue EOR left
Blackpool Rd Right
West Park Avenue Left
Ainsdale Drive EOR left
Lea Rd T/L right
Blackpool Rd Right
Tudor Avenue Right
Dodney Drive Becomes
Tudor Avenue EOR right
Blackpool Rd T/L ahead, T/L right
Preston Old Rd EOR right
Lodge Lane EOR left
Blackpool Rd Left
Riversway T/L right
Portway Roundabout right
Mariners Way Roundabout ahead
Navigation Way Right
Chain Caul Way Left
Chain Caul Rd Right

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Preston test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Chain Caul Rd EOR right
Chain Caul Way EOR left
Navigation Way Roundabout left
Peddars Way T/L right
Watery Lane T/L ahead, T/L right
Strand Rd Right
Guild Way Left
Leyland Rd Roundabout right, roundabout ahead, right
New Lane EOR left
Pope Lane T/L right
Penwortham Way Roundabout ahead
Guild Way Left
Junction Way T/L ahead
Marsh Lane T/L left
Wellfield Rd EOR left
Flyde Rd T/L left
Water Lane T/L right
Tulketh Rd Left
Egerton Rd EOR left
Peddars Lane T/L ahead
Peddars Way Roundabout right
Navigation Way Right
Chain Caul Way Left
Chain Caul Rd Right

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Preston test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Chain Caul Rd EOR right
Chain Caul Way EOR left
Mariners Way Roundabout left
Peddars Way T/L right
Watery Lane T/L right
Port Way Roundabout ahead
Portway T/L right
Strand Rd T/L right
Liverpool Rd T/L ahead, right
Kingsway EOR left
Queensway EOR left
Liverpool Rd T/L right
Cop Lane T/L right
Milbrook Way Roundabout right
Golden Way Roundabout ahead, left
Junction Way Left
Channel Way Roundabout ahead
Mariners Way Roundabout ahead
Navigation Way Right
Chain Caul Way Left
Chain Caul Rd Right

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Preston test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Chain Caul Rd EOR right
Chain Caul Way Roundabout ahead
Mariners Way Roundabout right
Portway T/L right
Strand Rd T/L right
Liverpool Rd T/L ahead, T/L right
Priory Lane Becomes
Priory Crescent EOR right
Hollinhurst Avenue EOR left
Kingsway EOR left
Liverpool Rd T/L right
Leyland Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Marshalls Brow Becomes
Pope Lane Left, roundabout right
Golden Way Roundabout ahead, left
Junction Way Left
Channel Way T/L ahead, roundabout ahead
Mariners Way Roundabout ahead
Navigation Way Right
Chain Caul Way Left
Chain Caul Rd Right

Route 9

Test Route 9 at Preston test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Chain Caul Rd EOR left
Chain Caul Way Roundabout right
Nelson Way T/L right
Riverside T/L left
Peddars Lane T/L ahead
Cottam Lane Left
Elm Avenue Left
Birch Avenue Left
Clifton Avenue EOR right
Blackpool Rd T/L left
Greavestown Lane Becomes
Larches Lane Right
Staining Avenue EOR right
Whinfield Lane EOR left
Peddars Lane Right
Egerton Rd EOR right
Tulketh Rd T/L right
Water Lane T/L left
Strand Rd T/L ahead, T/L right
Liverpool Rd Left
Leyland Rd Roundabout right, roundabout right
Golden Way Left
Junction Way Left
Channel Way T/L ahead, roundabout ahead
Mariners Way Roundabout ahead
Navigation Way Right
Chain Caul Way Left
Chain Caul Rd Right

Route 10

Test Route 10 at Preston test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Chain Caul Rd EOR left
Chain Caul Way Roundabout right
Nelson Way T/L right
Riversway T/L left
Peddars Lane Right
Egerton Rd EOR right
Tulketh Rd Right
Douglas St Becomes
Calder St Left
Mersey St EOR left
Watery Lane T/L right
Strand Rd Right
Guild Way Roundabouts ahead
Golden Way Roundabout left
Pope Lane EOR right, right
New Lane EOR left
Leyland Rd Roundabout left
Marshall’s Brow Right
Hill Rd South EOR right
Cop Lane T/L right
Golden Way Roundabout ahead, left
Junction Rd Left
Strand Rd T/L left
Watery Lane T/L left
Port Way Roundabout right
Mariners Way Roundabout ahead
Navigation Way Right
Chain Caul Way Left
Chain Caul Rd Right

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