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8:30am to 5:00pm Mon-Fri

Fort William Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Fort William test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Fort William below.

While test routes around Fort William are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Fort William test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Station Rd EOR left
An Aird Roundabout left
Belford Rd Roundabout left
A82 2 nd left
Montrose Ave 2 nd left
Abrach Rd EOR right
Wades Rd EOR right
Montrose Ave EOR left
A82 T/L ahead, left
A830 Mallaig Rd Left
Lochyside 4 th right
Broom Drive Left
Camesky Rd EOR left
Torlundy Rd EOR right
Kilmallie Rd EOR left
A830 to Corpach Right
Drumfada Terrace (Cemetery Rd) Left
Drumfada Terrace EOR left
A830 to Fort William Ahead
Canal Bridge 2 nd left
At School Camaghael Rd EOR left
A830 EOR right
A82 to Fort William Roundabout right
Belford Rd Left
Victoria Rd Right, EOR right
Hill Rd EOR left
Fassifern Rd / Gordon Square EOR left
High St Roundabout right
A82 By-pass 4 th exit, roundabout right
A82 Belford Rd Left
Slip Rd EOR right

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Fort William test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Station Rd Right
Mary St EOR left
Belford Rd Roundabout left
A82 2 nd left
Montrose Ave 2 nd right
Lundy Rd / Lochy Rd EOR left, ahead left
Montrose Ave EOR left
A82 to Inverness Right
To Aonach Mor 2 nd right
To Lay-By – retrace to Mallaig Rd Right
A830 Mallaig Rd Right, EOR left
A830 EOR right
A82 Roundabout right
Belford Rd 2 nd left
Towards Town Centre Right
Middle St Right
High St Roundabout right
A82 Sea Front, (Inverness) Roundabout right
Belford Rd Left
Slip Rd EOR right
Station Rd Right

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Fort William test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Station Rd EOR right
An Aird Roundabout left
Relief Rd Roundabout left
Belford Rd Roundabout ahead
Glen Nevis to Visitor Centre Left, left
Fort William Roundabout right
A82 2 nd left
Montrose Ave 3 rd left
Lochiel Rd 2 nd right
Lundy Rd EOR left, EOR left
Montrose Ave EOR left
A82 2 nd right
Ben Nevis Ind. Estate Right, EOR left
Ardnevis Rd Left
Melantee 2 nd right
Pomona EOR right
Carn Dearg / Ardnevis Rd EOR left
A82 Roundabout right
Belford Rd Left
Victoria Rd Left
Alma Rd / Argyll Rd EOR left
Lundavra Rd Left
Connochie Rd Right
Ross Place Right
Sutherland Ave EOR right
Lundavra Rd Roundabout right
A82 (sea front) Roundabout right
Belford Rd Left
Slip Rd EOR right
Station Rd Right

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Fort William test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Station Rd Right
Mary St EOR left
Belford Rd Roundabout left
A82 2 nd left
Montrose Ave Right
Lochy Rd Right
Laggan Rd Right
Lochiel Rd EOR left
Montrose Ave EOR left
A82 T/L left
Mallaig Rd Left
A830 to Corpach Right
Drumfada Terrace (Cemetery Rd) Left
Drumfada Terrace EOR left
A830 to Fort William Ahead
Canal Bridge Right
Kilmallie Rd EOR left, ahead
Lochyside 2 nd left
At bend (Hatch Marks) EOR left
Lochyside EOR right
A830 EOR right
A82 Roundabout right
Belford Rd Left
Victoria Rd Right, EOR right
Hill Rd EOR right
Fassifern Rd EOR right
Dudley Rd EOR right
High St EOR left
Belford Rd Roundabout retrace, left
Slip Rd / Station Rd

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Fort William test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Station Rd EOR left
An Aird Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
A82 By-Pass Roundabout ahead
A82 South Rd, Crianlarich Left
Ashburn Place Left
Grange Rd EOR left
Lundavra Rd Roundabout right
A82 by-pass Roundabout ahead
Relief Rd Roundabout right
An Aird Roundabout left
Relief Rd Roundabout left
Belford Rd Roundabout ahead
Glen Nevis Left
Visitor Centre Left
Round Green EOR right
Retrace to Fort William Roundabout right
A82 Inverness Right
Claggan Rd 3 rd right
Carn Dearg Rd Left
Polmona / Melantee EOR right
Ardnevis Rd EOR left
A82 Right
Montrose Ave Right
Lochy Rd Right
Laggan Rd Right
Lochiel Rd EOR left
Montrose Ave EOR right
A82 Roundabout right
Belford Rd Roundabout right, retrace, left
Slip Rd

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