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8:30am to 5:00pm Mon-Fri

Hither Green (London) Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Hither Green (London) test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Hither Green (London) below.

While test routes around Hither Green (London) are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Hither Green (London) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Ennersdale Rd / Leahurst Rd 2 nd left
Staplehurst Rd Crossroads ahead, EOR right
Manor Park EOR right
Manor Lane Left
Handen Rd EOR right
Burnt Ash Rd T/L left
Westhorne Ave T/L left
Hornpark Lane 2 nd right
Crathie Rd Left
Abergeldie Rd Left
Scotsdale Rd EOR right
Abergeldie Rd EOR left
Hornpark Lane Left
Westhorne Ave Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, roundabout right 3 rd exit
Eltham Hill T/L left
Wellhall Rd Roundabout left 1 st exit left
Westhorne Ave Roundabout ahead 3 rd exit, roundabout right 3 rd exit
Sidcup Rd T/L left
Eltham Rd 5 th left
Cambridge Drive 2 nd right
Dorville EOR left
Burnt Ash Rd Right
Micheldever Rd EOR right
Manor Lane 2 nd left
Manor Park Left
Staplehurst Rd Crossroads right
Longhurst Rd EOR right
Leahurst Rd / Ennersdale Rd 2 nd left

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Hither Green (London) test centre
Road Direction
Ennersdale Rd / Leahurst Rd 2 nd left
Staplehurst Rd Crossroads ahead, EOR right
Manor Park EOR right
Manor Lane 2 nd left
Micheldever Rd Right
Wantage Rd EOR right
Micheldever Rd EOR right
Burnt Ash Rd / Burnt Ash Hill T/L left
Westhome Ave 2 x roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, T/L left
Rochester Way A2 2 nd exit
Slip road to roundabout Roundabout, left 1 st exit
Shooter Hill Rd 2 nd T/L left
Prince of Wales Rd / Montpelier Row Mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit, ahead
Montpelier Vale / Blackheath Village Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Lee Park EOR left
Lee High Rd T/L right
Burnt Ash Rd Right
Taunton Rd Crossroads ahead, EOR right
Manor Lane Left
Thornwood Rd EOR right
Manor Park Left
Staplehurst Rd Crossroads ahead, EOR right
Leahurst Rd / Ennersdale Rd 2 nd left

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Hither Green (London) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Ennersdale Rd / Longhurst Rd EOR left
Manor Lane Right
Handen Rd EOR left
Burnt Ash Rd T/L right
Eltham Rd T/L right
Sidcup Rd A20 Roundabout left 1 st exit
Westhorne Ave A205 Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Eltham Hill T/L right
Court Rd Mini roundabout ahead, T/L right
Sidcup Rd A20 Approx ½ mile speed camera left
Mottingham Lane Right
Winn Rd 3 rd right
Guibal Rd EOR right
Senlac Rd EOR right
Burnt Ash Hill T/L ahead, left
Southbrook Rd Crossroads ahead
Leahurst Rd EOR left, ahead
Ennersdale Rd 2 nd left

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Hither Green (London) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Ennersdale Rd Right
Nightingale Rd 2 nd left
Springbank Rd EOR left
Hither Green Lane T/L left
St Mildreds Rd Right
Rayford Rd Right
Ronver Rd EOR right
Baring Rd Left
Farmcote Rd Left, EOR left
Burnt Ash Hill Right
Winn Rd Left
Guibal Rd Crossroads ahead, EOR left
Senlac Rd Left
Exford Rd EOR right
Winn Rd EOR left
Mottingham Lane Left
Sidcup Rd A20 Roundabout ahead, 2 nd exit, T/L left
Eltham Rd 5 th left
Cambridge Drive Right
Dorville Rd EOR left
Burnt Ash Rd Right
Micheldever Rd EOR left
Manor Lane Right
Leahurst Rd / Ennersdale Rd 2 nd left

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Hither Green (London) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Ennersdale Rd EOR left
Hither Green Lane T/L right
Torridon Rd 2 x T/L ahead, left
Dowanhill Rd 4 th left
Wellmeadow Rd Crossroads ahead, EOR right
Hazelbank Rd Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
Torridon Rd 2 nd left
Dowanhill Rd Left, EOR right
Muirkirk Rd EOR left
Sangley Rd Catford one-way system 1 st T/L follow to right ahead at next 2 lights towards Lewisham
Rushey Green / Lewisham High St / Molesworth St Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Lewisham High St / Lee High Rd 2 nd right
Eastdown Park EOR left, ahead
Leahurst Rd EOR right
Ennersdale Rd 2 nd left

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Hither Green (London) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Ennersdale Rd Round bend 2 nd left
Staplehurst Rd Crossroads ahead, EOR right
Manor Park EOR left
Manor Lane Right
Effingham Rd Crossroads right
Wantage Rd EOR right
Effingham Rd EOR right
Burnt Ash Rd Right
Dorville Rd EOR right
Cambridge Rd EOR left
Eltham Rd T/L right
Lee Rd Mini roundabout right 3 rd exit
Black Heath Into one-way system ahead becomes
Tranquill Vale Mini roundabout left
Hare and Billet 3 rd left
Mounts Pond Rd Right bend at no entry
St Austell Rd EOR left
Lewisham Hill EOR left
Lewisham Rd Roundabout left 1 st exit
Lewisham High St T/L ahead
Lee Bridge / Lee High Rd T/L right
Burnt Ash Rd 5 th right
Southbrook Rd EOR ahead
Fernbrook Rd EOR left
Leahurst Rd / Ennersdale Rd 2 nd left

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Hither Green (London) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Ennersdale Rd EOR left
Hither Green Lane T/L right
Torridon Rd 2 nd T/L right
Sandhurst Rd 2 nd left
Inchmery Rd Left
Thornsbeach Rd Right
Arron Rd Right
Penerley Rd Crossroads ahead, EOR right
Newquay Rd EOR left
Bromley Rd 3 x T/L ahead, T/L left
Downham Way EOR left T/L
Baring Rd T/L right, T/L left
Burnt Ash Hill 2 nd left
Micheldever Rd EOR right
Manor Lane Left
Longhurst Rd EOR right
Leahurst Rd / Ennersdale Rd 2 nd left

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Hither Green (London) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Ennersdale Rd EOR right
Hither Green Lane Mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit
Courthill Rd T/L left
Lewisham High St / Rushey Green Left Catford one-way system follow around to right and out left by cinema
Bromley Rd T/L left
Whitefoot Lane EOR left
Verdant Lane 2 nd left
Crutchley Rd Right
Castillian Rd EOR left
Bawdwin Rd Crossroads ahead
Minard Rd EOR right
Hazelbank Rd Right
Ardgowan Rd Crossroads ahead, crossroads left
Sandhurst T/L right
Torridon Rd T/L ahead
Hither Green Lane 2 nd right
Ennersdale Rd Right

Route 9

Test Route 9 at Hither Green (London) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Ennersdale Rd / Leahurst Rd 2 nd left
Staplehurst Rd Crossroads ahead, EOR right
Manor Park 2 nd left
Thornwood Rd EOR right
Manor Lane Left
Taunton Rd Crossroads ahead, EOR left
Burnt Ash Rd T/L ahead
Lee Rd Mini roundabout right 3 rd exit
Blackheath Village Into one-way system becomes
Tranquil Vale Follow round to right
Royal Parade / Montpelier Rd Mini roundabout left 1 st exit
Prince Charles Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Shooters Hill Rd EOR roundabout right 3 rd exit
Rochester Way A2 Join main traffic on A2 leave by 1 st
exit left A205 T/L right
Westhorne Ave A205 Roundabout ahead 3 rd exit, roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, T/L left
Woodyates Rd / Guibal Rd Crossroads ahead
Guibal Rd EOR left
Winn Rd EOR right
Burnt Ash Hill T/L ahead
Burnt Ash Rd Left
Southbrook Rd EOR ahead
Fernbrook Rd EOR left
Leahurst Rd / Ennersdale Rd 2 nd left

Route 10

Test Route 10 at Hither Green (London) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Ennersdale Rd / Leahurst Rd 2 nd right, crossroads ahead
Southbrook Rd EOR right
Burnt Ash Rd T/L right
Baring Rd T/L left, 2 nd left
Farmcote Rd Left
Harland Rd EOR right
Farmcote Rd EOR left
Baring Rd 2 x T/L ahead, right
Lancelot Rd EOR right
Downham Way 2 nd left
Northover T/L ahead, mini roundabout left
Hazelbank Rd Right
Hafton Rd EOR left
Dowanhill Rd EOR right
Torridon Rd 2 x T/L ahead, T/L left
Hither Green Lane 7 th right
Ennersdale Rd 3 rd right

Route 11

Test Route 11 at Hither Green (London) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Ennersdale Rd / Leahurst Rd 2 nd left
Staplehurst Rd Crossroads ahead, EOR left
Manor Park Right
Kellerton Rd / Manor Lane Right
Taunton Rd Crossroads ahead, EOR left
Burnt Ash Rd T/L right
Eltham Rd Left
Weigall Rd Right
Lyme Farm Rd EOR right
Weigall Rd EOR left
Kidbrooke Park Rd T/L ahead, T/L left join A2 leave A2
1 st exit left
Shooters Hill Rd 2 nd left T/L
Kidbrooke Park Rd 2 nd T/L right, T/L ahead
A20 Sidcup Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
A205 Westhorne Ave 4 x T/L ahead, right
Birch Grove / Newstead Rd Left
Parkcroft Rd EOR left
Newstead Rd Left
Fernbrook Rd EOR left
Leahurst Rd / Ennersdale Rd 2 nd left

Route 12

Test Route 12 at Hither Green (London) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR right
Ennersdale Rd / Leahurst Rd 2 nd left crossroad
Staplehurst Rd Crossroads ahead, EOR right
Manor Park EOR right
Manor Lane Left
Micheldever Rd EOR right
Burnt Ash Rd / Burnt Ash Hill T/L ahead
Burnt Ash Hill 2 nd left
Winn Rd Right
Guibal Rd EOR left
Senlac Rd Right
Exford Rd EOR left
Burnt Ash Hill Right
Somertrees Ave EOR left
Burnt Ash Hill Left
Coopers Lane EOR left
Baring Rd 2 nd T/L right
Downham Way Right
Northover Rd T/L ahead
Verdant Lane T/L ahead
Hither Green Lane Right
Springbank Rd EOR right
Nightingale Grove EOR left
Ennersdale Rd Left

Route 13

Test Route 13 at Hither Green (London) test centre
Road Direction
DTC EOR left
Ennersdale Rd EOR left
Hither Green Lane T/L right
Torridon Rd 2 x T/L ahead, T/L right
Dowanhill Rd 2 nd /3 rd left, EOR right
Downhill Rd EOR right
Verdant Lane Mini roundabout ahead, T/L right
Whitefoot Lane Left
Whitefoot Terrace Left, 2 nd right
Woodbank Rd EOR left
Shaw Rd EOR right
Northover Rd EOR right
Downham Way EOR left
Baring Rd 2 nd right
Coopers Lane EOR left
Burnt Ash Hill 4 th left
Farmcote Rd Right
Harland Rd EOR right
Baring Rd EOR left T/L
St Mildreds Rd Right
Birch Grove / Newstead Rd EOR right
Manor Lane Left
Leahurst Rd EOR left, ahead
Ennersdale Rd 2 nd left

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