Question? 0330 057 7655

8:30am to 5:00pm Mon-Fri

Cheltenham Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Cheltenham test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Cheltenham below.

While test routes around Cheltenham are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Cheltenham test centre
Road Direction
All Saints Rd Left
Pittville Circus Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Wellington Rd T/L left
Evesham Rd T/L right
Clarence Rd 2 nd right
Clarence Square Left
Clarence Rd Right
North Place T/L right
St Margarets Rd 3 rd left
Henrieta St EOR right
Lower High St / Tewkesbury Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Kingsditch Lane Mini roundabout ahead
Wymans Lane Left
Church Rd Right
Quat Goose Lane 2 nd left
Riveland Left
Quat Goose Lane Left
Dark Lane Follow left
Church Rd EOR left
Hyde Lane T/L right
Evesham Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit, 3 rd left
Central Cross Drive 2 nd right
Albert Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Pittville Circus Follow into
All Saints Rd

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Cheltenham test centre
Road Direction
All Saints Rd Follow left
Pittville Circus Roundabout ahead
Wellington Rd T/L ahead, T/L left
Evesham Rd 4 th left
Cleveland’s Drive 3 rd left, EOR right, EOR left
Evesham Rd Roundabout ahead, T/L left
Hyde Lane Follow left into
Wymans Lane 2 x mini roundabout ahead
Kingsditch Lane Roundabout left
Tewkesbury Rd 8 th left
Townsend St EOR left
Swindon Rd Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
St Pauls Rd Left
Folly Lane Follow into
Tommy Taylors Lane Left
Hilltop Rd Follow into
Boulton Rd EOR right
Swindon Rd Mini roundabout left, roundabout right
Evesham Rd Left
Hillcourt Rd EOR right
Albert Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Pittville Circus Follow right
All Saints Rd

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Cheltenham test centre
Road Direction
All Saints Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Fairview Rd EOR right, T/L ahead, T/L right
Portland St 2 x T/L ahead
Evesham Rd Roundabout right 4 th exit
New Barn Lane 2 nd right
New Barn Ave Follow left
New Barn Close Left, EOR right
New Barn Lane Left
The Burgage Exit left
Tatchley Lane Roundabout left
Deep St Follow right
High St Follow left
Southam Rd 3 rd left
Old Rd EOR left
New Rd Left
Two Hedges Rd Left
Kayte Lane EOR right
Southam Lane T/L left
Evesham Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit, left
Hillcourt Rd EOR right
Albert Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Pittville Circus Follow right
All Saints Rd

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Cheltenham test centre
Road Direction
All Saints Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Hewlett Rd 2 nd left
Carlton St Follow into
Sydenham Rd North 2 nd left
Cranham Rd Exit left
Sydenham Rd North Left
Hales Rd 2 nd left
Eldon Rd 2 nd left
Beechurst Ave Exit left
Eldon Rd EOR right
Hewlett Rd EOR left
Priors Rd EOR right
Prestbury Rd Mini roundabouts ahead, left
Deep St Follow into
High St Follow left into
Southam Rd Left
Old Rd Left
Southam Lane T/L left
Evesham Rd Roundabout right 4 th exit
Swindon Lane Mini roundabout left
Tommy Taylors Lane Right
Hilltop Rd Follow into
Boulton Rd EOR right
Swindon Lane Mini roundabout left, roundabout right
Evesham Rd 3 rd left
Central Cross Drive 3 rd right
Albert Rd Ahead 2 nd exit
Pittville Circus Follow right
All Saints Rd

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Cheltenham test centre
Road Direction
All Saints Rd Follow left
Pittville Circus Roundabout right 4 th exit
Prestbury Rd 3 rd right
Cromwell Rd 3 rd left
Pennine Rd / Cotswold Rd Right
Pennine Rd Right
Cromwell Rd Left
Severn Rd Right
Wymans Rd EOR right
Waddon Rd EOR right
Prestbury Rd Left
Windsor St Follow into
Cleeveview Close Left
Cakebridge Rd Follow right into
Welland Lodge Rd EOR left
Prestbury Rd Left
Tatchley Lane Right
The Burgage Exit left
Tatchley Lane Mini roundabouts left
Deep St Follow into
Prestbury High St Follow into
Southam Rd Left
Old Rd Left
Southam Lane T/L left
Evesham Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit, T/L left
Clarence Rd EOR right
Winchcombe St T/L left
Albion St EOR left
Hewlett Rd Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
All Saints Rd

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Cheltenham test centre
Road Direction
All Saints Rd Right
Pittville Circus Left
Moorcourt Drive EOR left
Pittville Circus Rd EOR left
Hewlett Rd Left
Cleeveview Rd Right
Whaddon Rd 2 x roundabout ahead, EOR left
Priors Rd Right
Imjin Rd EOR right
Priors Rd Right
Bouncers Lane 2 nd left
Chiltern Rd EOR right
Priors Rd EOR right
Prestbury Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout left
Deep St Follow ahead
High St follow left
Southam Rd 3 rd left
Old Rd Left
Southam Lane T/L left
Evesham Rd Roundabout right 4 th exit
Swindon Lane 2 nd left
Tommy Taylors Lane EOR left
St Pauls Rd EOR ahead
Clarence Rd EOR right
Winchcombe St T/L left
Fairview Rd EOR ahead
St Johns Ave EOR ahead
Albion St EOR left
Hewlett Rd Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
All Saints Rd

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Cheltenham test centre
Road Direction
All Saints Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Fairview Rd EOR right, 3 x T/L ahead
St Margarets Rd Right
Monson Ave Follow right
Clarence Square 2 nd left, ahead
Clarence Rd T/L left
Evesham Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, T/L right
Southam Lane EOR right
Old Rd EOR right
Southam Rd Follow right
High St Follow left
Deep St Mini roundabout ahead, mini roundabout left
Prestbury Rd 2 nd right
Welland Lodge Rd Left
Welland Drive Exit left
Welland Lodge Rd Follow left
Cakebridge Rd EOR right
Cleevemount Close / Windsor St EOR right
Prestbury Rd Left
Whaddon Rd 2 nd right
Cleeveview Rd Right
Hewlett Rd EOR left
Pittville Circus EOR left
All Saints Rd

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Cheltenham test centre
Road Direction
All Saints Rd Right
Pittville Circus EOR left
Hewlett Rd 2 nd left
Whaddon Ave EOR left
Whaddon Rd Right
Severn Rd Left
Wymans Rd EOR right
Whaddon Rd EOR right
Prestbury Rd 4 th left
Welland Lodge Rd Left
Welland Drive Exit right
Welland Lodge Rd EOR left
Prestbury Rd Roundabout left
Tatchley Lane Right
The Burgage Exit right
New Barn Lane Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Evesham Rd T/L right
Southam Lane EOR left
Old Rd EOR right
New Rd EOR right
Southam Rd Follow right
High St Follow left
Deep St Mini roundabouts ahead, mini roundabout left
Prestbury Rd 2 nd left
Priors Rd 5 th right
Hewlett Rd 4 th right
Pittville Circus EOR left
All Saints Rd

Route 9

Test Route 9 at Cheltenham test centre
Road Direction
All Saints Rd Follow left
Pittville Circus Roundabout ahead
Wellington Rd T/L right
Evesham Rd 4 th right
Hillcourt Rd EOR left
Albert Rd EOR left
New Barn Lane Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Evesham Rd T/L ahead, roundabout right
Cheltenham Rd T/L right
Two Hedges Rd Right
Crown Drive EOR right
Kayte Lane EOR left
Southam Lane EOR left
Old Rd EOR right
New Rd EOR right
Southam Rd Follow right
Prestbury High St Follow left
Deep St Mini roundabouts ahead
Prestbury Rd 2 nd right
Welland Lodge Rd Left
Welland Drive Exit left
Welland Lodge Rd Follow left
Cakebridge Rd EOR right
Cleevemount Close Follow into
Windsor St EOR right
Prestbury Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Wellington Rd T/L ahead
Wellington Square T/L right
Evesham Rd T/L left
Clarence Rd Follow left
Prestbury Rd Roundabout right 4 th exit
Pittville Circus Follow right
All Saints Rd

Route 10

Test Route 10 at Cheltenham test centre
Road Direction
All Saints Rd Follow left
Pittville Circus Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Albert Rd EOR left
New Barn Lane Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Evesham Rd T/L right
Southam Lane Left
Kayte Lane Right
Delabere Rd 2 nd left
Ellenborough Rd Exit left
Delabere Rd EOR left
Pagets Rd Left
Ellenborough Rd EOR right
Delabere Rd EOR right
Kayte Lane EOR right
Two Hedges Rd Left
Dale Walk EOR right
Tobyfield Rd EOR right
Linworth Rd EOR left
Two Hedges Rd EOR right
New Rd EOR right
Southam Rd / High St
Prestbury / Deep St Mini roundabouts ahead, mini roundabout left
Prestbury Rd 2 nd left
Priors Rd 4 th left
Imjin Rd EOR left
Priors Rd Follow into
Hales Rd 5 th right
Eldon Rd EOR right
Hewlett Rd 2 nd left
Pittville Circus EOR left
All Saints Rd

Route 11

Test Route 11 at Cheltenham test centre
Road Direction
All Saints Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Fairview Rd EOR right, T/L right
Portland St 2 x T/L left
Wellington Rd / Wellington Square
/ Wellington Rd T/L left
Evesham Rd Roundabout 4 th exit right
New Barn Lane Roundabout ahead, left
Brymore Ave EOR right
Lyndon Ave 2 nd left
Lyndon Close Exit right
Lyndon Ave Left
Brymore Ave EOR left
New Barn Lane / Tatchley Lane Roundabout left
Deep St Follow right
High St Follow left
Southam Rd 3 rd left
Old Rd Left
Southam Lane T/L left
Evesham Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit, left
Hill Court Rd EOR right
Albert Rd 6 th right
Central Cross Drive 3 rd left
Evesham Rd T/L ahead, T/L left
Clarence Rd Follow left
Prestbury Rd Roundabout right 4 th exit
Pittville Circus Follow right
All Saints Rd

Route 12

Test Route 12 at Cheltenham test centre
Road Direction
All Saints Rd Roundabout left 1 st exit
Hewlett Rd 3 rd right
Eldon Rd EOR right
Hales Rd Right
Kings Rd Left
Cranham Rd Exit right
Kings Rd EOR right
Hales Rd T/L left
London Rd 6 th right
Copt Elm Rd 3 rd right
Lyfield Rd T/L left
Cirencester Rd 2 nd right
Bafford Approach 3 rd left
Longway Ave Exit left
Bafford Approach EOR right
Sandy Lane EOR left
Greenhills Rd Roundabout right
Old Bath Rd Left
Mead Rd 2 nd right
Churchills Rd Mini roundabout right
Naunton Lane Right
Naunton Park Rd EOR left
Old Bath Rd 2 x mini roundabouts ahead, roundabout ahead, left
College Baths Rd EOR right
Keynsham Rd EOR left
London Rd T/L right
Hewlett Rd Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
All Saints Rd

Route 13

Test Route 13 at Cheltenham test centre
Road Direction
All Saints Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Hewlett Rd T/L ahead
College Rd Right
Bath Parade EOR left
Bath Rd 2 nd right
Montpellier Drive Follow left
Montpellier Parade EOR right
Montpellier Terrace Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Lansdown Rd Roundabout left
Andover Rd At fork right, left
Tivoli Rd EOR left
The Park EOR right, roundabout left
Moorend Park Rd 6 th right
Hall Rd Right
Arden Rd Left
Charnwood Rd Exit right
Arden Rd EOR left
Hall Rd EOR right
Moorend Park Rd EOR left
Leckhampton Rd 3 rd right
Naunton Lane 2 nd right
Mead Rd EOR left
Old Bath Rd 2 nd left
Naunton Park Rd EOR right
Thirlestain Rd Roundabout left
Old Bath Rd T/L ahead
Hayles Rd 6 th left
Hewlett Rd 4 th right
Pittville Circus Rd EOR left
All Saints Rd

Route 14

Test Route 14 at Cheltenham test centre
Road Direction
All Saints Rd Follow left
Pittville Circus Roundabout ahead
Wellington Rd T/L right
Evesham Rd 4 th right
Hillcourt Rd EOR left
Albert Rd Roundabout left
New Barn Lane Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Evesham Rd T/L left
Hyde Lane Follow left into
Wymans Lane Mini roundabout ahead, mini roundabout left
Swindon Rd 2 nd left
Windyridge Rd 4 th right
Roman Hackle Ave 3 rd right
Millhouse Drive EOR left
Yew Tree Close EOR left
Roman Hackle Ave 2 nd left
Millhouse Drive Exit left
Roman Hackle Ave EOR right
Windyridge Rd Roundabout right
Swindon Lane Right
Boulton Rd Follow into
Hill Top Rd EOR right
Tommy Taylors Lane 2 nd left
Albemarl Gate Exit right
Tommy Taylors Lane Roundabout right
Swindon Lane Roundabout right 3 rd exit
New Barn Lane Roundabout ahead
New Barn Lane Roundabout right
Albert Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Pittville Circus Follow into
Pittville Circus Rd Follow into
All Saints Rd

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