Question? 0330 057 7655

8:30am to 5:00pm Mon-Fri

Llanelli Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Llanelli test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Llanelli below.

While test routes around Llanelli are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Llanelli test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Toft Place EOR right
Upper Mill Bear left
Hedley Terrace 2 nd left
Felenfoel Terrace / Thomas St Bear right
Bridge St Left
Town Hall Square T/L ahead
Station Rd 2 nd left
Robinson St EOR bear right
Elizabeth St EOR left
Pottery St Roundabout right 2 nd exit, roundabout 1 st exit
Stepney Place Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Swansea Link Roundabout right 3 rd exit, roundabout right 5 th exit
Machynis Link Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
Heol Elli Left
Penyfan Rd Right, EOR right
Heol Elli Mini roundabout right
Trostre Rd 2 nd left
Trostre Ind Estate EOR left
Trostre Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Coastal Link Roundabout right 3 rd exit
New Dock Rd 3 rd left
Copperworks Rd Follow road to right
Marine St Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Bryn Terrace Roundabout left 1 st exit
Pembrey Link Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Pembrey Rd / West End Left lane to
Gelli Onn Left lane
Thomas St / Felenfoel Rd Right
Dimpath Terrace / Heol Goffa 2 nd right
Corporation Ave 3 rd right
Lliedi Crescent Left

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Llanelli test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Toft Place EOR right
Upper Mill Bear left
Hedley Terrace 2 nd left
Felenfoel Rd / Thomas St Bear right
Bridge St Left
Town Hall Square 3 rd right
Old Castle Rd Crossroads left
Erw Rd Mini roundabout left
Queen Victoria Rd T/L right
Station Rd Left
Marsh St Left, right
Emma St Right
Station Rd T/L right
Murray St Roundabout right 1 st exit
Bres Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Upper Robinson St Roundabout right 2 nd exit
Pottery St / Bigyn Rd Left
Walters Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, EOR left
Heol Lenelli Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
Brynallt Terrace / Penallt Terrace Right
Frondeg Terrace Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Capel Isaf Right
Coedcae Rd EOR right
Clyncoed Terrace T/L right
Halfway Link Roundabout right 5 th exit
Swansea Link Roundabout ahead , roundabout right
4 th exit
Walter St Right hand lane into
Bridge St Stay in right hand lane
Hall St Right hand lane
Gelli Onn Left hand lane
Thomas St / Felenfoel Rd Right
Dimpath Terrace / Heol Goffa 2 nd right
Lleidi Crescent Left

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Llanelli test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Toft Place EOR right
Hedley Terrace EOR left
Felenfoel Rd / Thomas St EOR left
Water St Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Glenalla Rd 2 nd right
College Hill EOR right
Alban Rd EOR left
Marble Hall Rd Roundabout right
Heol Elli / Trestre Rd 3 rd right
Penyfan Rd Right
Firth Rd Roundabout ahead
Tyisha Rd Right
Bigyn Rd Ahead at stop sign
Pottery St 2 x roundabout right
Stepney Place Roundabout left 2 nd exit
Water St Roundabout right
Thomas St / Felinfoel Rd Right
Corporation Ave 2 nd left
Maes Golau / Heol Daniel EOR right
Darren Rd 2 nd right
Bryn Elli / Capel Rd Mini roundabout left
Capel Isaf Rd Right
Coedcae Rd Right
Glyncoed Terrace T/L right
Link Rd Roundabout right 5 th exit, roundabout right 2 nd exit
Heol Goffa Mini roundabout ahead, mini roundabout left
Heol Nant Y Felin EOR left
Corporation Ave Right
Lliedi Crescent Left

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Llanelli test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Toft Place EOR right
Andrew St Left
Andrew Terrace Left
Swansea Link Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Frondeg Terrace Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Capel Isaf Right
Coedcae Rd Right
Glyncoed Terrace T/L ahead
Llandafen Rd T/L bear right
Pemberton Rd Left
Heol Gwalia EOR right
Heol Elfed EOR right
Trallwm Rd Right
Llwynhendy Rd / Pemberton Rd T/L right
Gelli Rd 3 rd left
Pencae Logi Roundabout left
M4 Link T/L ahead
Halfway Link Roundabout right 5 th exit
Swansea Link Roundabout left, roundabout right 4 th exit
Water St Use left lane left into
Town Hall Square 2 nd right
Coleshill Terrace / Greenway St EOR right
Pembrey Rd 2 nd left
New Rd Right
Haries Ave EOR right
Old Rd EOR left
Felenfoel Rd 2 nd right
Hedley Terrace Follow road round right into
Upper Mill Left
Toft Place EOR left, left

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Llanelli test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Toft Place EOR left
Prospect Place Crossroads ahead, EOR right
Thomas St Left
Old Rd 2 nd left
Harries Ave EOR right
New Rd Left
Stradey Park Crossroads ahead, crossroads left
Chapman St EOR right
Sandy Rd Roundabout left
Coastal Route Roundabout left
Seaside Mini roundabout right
High St 2 nd left
Glanmor Terrace / Paddock St EOR right
Station Rd Left
Marsh St 2 nd left
Hick St / Bigyn Park Terrace EOR right
Bigyn Hill EOR left
Tyisha Rd Roundabout ahead
Firth Rd EOR left
Penyfan Rd EOR right
Pyntws Terrace Mini roundabout left
Trostre Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Llanelli test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Toft Place EOR left
Corporation Ave 2 nd right
Heol Nantyfelin Mini roundabout right 3 rd exit
Heol Goffa Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout left
Swansea Rd / Frondeg Terrace Mini roundabout
Capel Rd / Brynelli EOR right
Dafen Rd Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Halfway Link T/L ahead
Trostre Link Roundabout right 5 th exit
Swansea Link Roundabout left, roundabout ahead
Stepney Place Roundabout left
Pottery St Roundabout right 2 nd exit
Upper Robinson St Roundabout 1 st exit
Bres Rd Roundabout left
Murray St T/L right
Town Hall Square left
Coleshill Terrace / Greenway St One way EOR
Pembrey Rd Left
Stewart St Right
Stradey Park Ave EOR left
New Rd Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Ynys Y Cwm Rd 2 nd right
Pentrepoeth Rd EOR right
No Name Rd EOR left
Felenfoel Rd Left
Dimpath Terrace Left
Gower View EOR left
Heol Goffa 3 rd right
Corporation Ave 3 rd right
Lliedi Crescent Left

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Llanelli test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Toft Place EOR left
Corporation Ave Crossroads ahead, EOR right
Pan Teg / Farmers Row Mini roundabout ahead, 2 nd right
Llethri Rd / Dafen Ind Est Rd 2 nd right
Heol Cropin Right
Dafen Ind Est Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Dafen Link Rd Roundabout left
Greenfield Cottages EOR left
Gelli Rd Right
Bryn Seirfel Left, left
Heol Elfed Right
Heol Gwalia EOR right
Pemberton Rd T/L ahead
Llandafen Rd T/L filter left
Halfway Link Roundabout right 5 th exit
Swansea Link Roundabout left, roundabout 2 nd exit
Stepney Place Roundabout left
Pottery St Roundabout 1 st exit, right
Ann St Right
Columbia Row Sharp left bend becoming
Robinson St Right
Station Rd T/L ahead
Town Hall Square Use right hand lane follow signs M4
Hall St / Gelli Onn / Thomas
St / Water St Roundabout left
Swansea Link Left
Andrew Terrace Crossroads right
Andrew St 2 nd left
Lliedi Crescent Left

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Llanelli test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Toft Place EOR left
Corporation Ave 2 nd right
Heol Nantyfelin Mini roundabout right 3 rd exit
Heol Goffa Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout left
Swansea Rd Right
Penallt Rd / Brynallt Rd Mini roundabout left
Heol Elli 2 nd right
Walters Rd Roundabout left
Queen Marys Walk Roundabout left
Firth Rd EOR left
Penyfan Rd EOR right
Trostre Rd Mini roundabout left
Machynis Link Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Halfway Link T/L right
Llandafen Rd T/L ahead
Gelli Rd 3 rd left
Pencae Logi Roundabout left
Halfway Link T/L right
Glyncoed Terrace Left
Coedcae Rd Left
Capel Rd Mini roundabout ahead
Frondeg Terrace Roundabout right 2 nd exit
Swansea Link Roundabout right 4 th exit
Water St Stay in left lane for
Bridge St Stay in left lane bear right
Hall St / Pembrey Rd Roundabout left
Coastal Link Roundabout left
Cambrian St Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
High St Left
Lakefield Rd / Robinson St Bear right
Arthur St Left
Elizabeth St EOR left
Pottery St Roundabout right 2 nd exit, roundabout 1 st exit
Stepney Place Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Swansea Link Left
Andrew Terrace Right
Andrew St 2 nd left
Lliedi Crescent Left

Route 9

Test Route 9 at Llanelli test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Toft Place EOR left
Corporation Ave 2 nd right
Heol Nantyfelin Mini roundabout right 3 rd exit
Heol Goffa Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout left
Frondeg Terrace . Capel
Isaf Rd / Glyncoed Terrace T/L ahead
Llandafen Rd T/L right
Perbmeton Rd Left
Heol Gwalia EOR right
Heol Elfed EOR right
Trallwm Rd EOR left
Llwynhendy Rd Roundabout right 2 nd exit
Link Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout 3 rd exit
Machynis Link Roundabout right
Trostre Rd Right
Coedcae Rd EOR right
Heol Elli Left
Walters Rd Roundabout ahead, EOR right
Bigyn Rd Stop sign ahead
Pottery St 2 x roundabout right
Stepney Place Roundabout left 2 nd exit
Water St Right, ahead
Gelli Onn / Thomas St / Felenfoel Rd 3 rd right
Hedley Terrace Left
Toft Place EOR left
Lliedi Crescent Left

Route 10

Test Route 10 at Llanelli test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Toft Place EOR right
Andrew St Left
Andrew Terrace Left
Swansea Link Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Link Rd Roundabout left, T/L right
Llandafen Rd T/L right
Perberton Rd Left
Trallwm Rd 2 nd right
Amanwy Right
Dylan 2 nd left
Eiddil EOR right
Amanwy EOR left
Gelli Rd T/L right
Llandafen Rd Left down slip road
Link Rd Roundabout right 4 th exit
Machynis Link Roundabout right
Trostre Rd Left
Penyfan Rd After sharp bend left
Caswell St EOR left
Fron Terrace Right bend
Marsh St EOR right
Station Rd T/L ahead, keep left then change to right hand lane
Gelli Onn Left
Thomas St / Felinfoel Rd Right
Dimpath Terrace Left
Gower View EOR left
Dimpath Terrace / Heol Goffa 3 rd right
Corporation Ave 3 rd right
Lliedi Crescent Left

Route 11

Test Route 11 at Llanelli test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Andrew St EOR right
Andrew Terrace Left
Swansea Link Left
Frondeg Terrace Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Capel Isaf Rd / Coedcae Rd Right
Glyncoed Terrace EOR right
Link Rd T/L right, roundabout left
Country Rd Roundabout right
Parc Gitto Right
Trallwm Rd / Heol Elfed Left
Dwyfor Right
Brynsiefel EOR right
Gelli Rd EOR right
Llandafen Rd T/L right
Link Rd T/L right
Exchange Row Roundabout left
Maescanner Rd 2 nd left
Havard Rd 2 nd left
Capel Isaf Rd EOR right
Frondeg Terrace / Swansea Link Rd Roundabout right 2 nd exit
Water St Roundabout right 4 th exit
Gelli Onn Follow road to right
Thomas St Left
Felinfoel Rd / Corporation Ave Right
Corporation Ave Ahead at give way, 3 rd right
Lliedi Crescent Left

Route 12

Test Route 12 at Llanelli test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Toft Place EOR left
Corporation Ave 4 th left
Heol Goffa / Dimpath Terrace Right
Gower View Right
Dimpath Terrace EOR left
Felinfoel Rd 5 th right
Old Rd Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Stradey Rd 2 nd left
Denham Ave 2 nd left
Iscoed Estate Left
Denham Ave EOR left
Pembrey Rd Roundabout left
Sandy Lane / West End / Gelli
Onn / Thomas St / Water St Roundabout left
Swansea Link Roundabout right 3 rd exit, roundabout left
Halfway Link T/L right
Llandafen Rd 3 rd left
Greenfield Cottages Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Exchange Row / Dafen Rd 3 rd left
Heol Daniel / Maes Golau Left
Corporation Ave Crossroads ahead, 3 rd right
Lleidi Crescent Left

Route 13

Test Route 13 at Llanelli test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Toft Place EOR right
Andrew St Left
Andrew Terrace Left
Swansea Link Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Frondeg Terrace / Capel Isaf Rd Right
Coedcae Rd EOR right
Glyncoed Terrace T/L right
Link Rd Roundabout left, roundabout right
Country Rd Right
Parc Gitto EOR ahead
Trallwm Rd Left
Heol Elfed Right
Dwyfor EOR right
Brynsiefel EOR right
Gelli Rd T/L right
Llandafen Rd T/L right
Link Rd Roundabout left
Exchange Row 2 nd left
Maescanner Rd 2 nd left
Havard Rd EOR right
Capel Isaf Rd / Frondeg Terrace Roundabout right 2 nd exit
Swansea Link Rd Roundabout right 4 th exit
Water St Follow road to right
Gelli Onn Left
Thomas St / Felinfoel Rd Right just past hotel on left
Corporation Ave Left just before fire station 3rd right
Lliedi Crescent Left

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