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Cardigan Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Cardigan test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Cardigan below.

While test routes around Cardigan are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Cardigan test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
William Terrace / Napier St Left
Feidr Fair Follow right
Priory St EOR right
Pendre / North Rd 2 nd left
Gwbert Rd 2 nd right
Cnwc Y Dintir Left
Greenland Meadows EOR right
Napier St EOR left
Pendre Follow left
Feidr Fair 2 nd left
Finch Square Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Priory Bridge Roundabout left
Tenby Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Grosvenor Hill Take right fork
Pendre Feidr Fair 2 nd left
Finch Square Roundabout left
By-Pass A487 Left
Aberystwyth Rd 5 th left
Napier St Around right bend

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Cardigan test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Napier St Left
Feidr Fair Left
Finch Square Roundabout left
By-Pass A487 Left
Aberystwyth Rd Right
Y Rhos Estate Around bend, EOR right
Aberystwyth Rd Right
Greenland Meadows EOR left
Cnwc Y Dintir EOR left
Gwbert Rd EOR right
North Rd Follow left
Feidr Fair 2 nd left
Finch Square Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Priory Bridge Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Cardigan Rd Bottom of hill left
St Dogmaels Rd Right
Feidr Fawr Right
Maeshyfryd Left EOR left
Feidr Fawr EOR left
St Dogmaels Rd EOR left
Castle Hill Left
Quay St EOR left
Upper Mwldan EOR right
Bathhouse Rd Left
Pendre Take right fork
Feidre Fair Follow bend to right
Priory St Right
Pendre Take left fork ahead, right
Napier St

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Cardigan test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
William Terrace / Napier St Left
Feidr Fair Follow right
Priory St Right
Pendre Take left fork, 2 nd left
Gwbert Rd Right
Mwnt Rd EOR right
Gwbert Rd Next left
Cnwc Y Dintir Crossroads ahead, right
Maes Glas EOR ahead, crossroads ahead
Park Ave EOR left
Gwbert Rd EOR left
Aberystwyth Rd EOR left, left
A487 By-Pass To Penparc, left
Feidr Tywod Crossroads right
Heol Y Felin EOR right
A487 By-Pass Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Finch Square / Priory St Left
Morgan St Right lane for town centre
Grosvenor Hill Left
Quay St Follow right, EOR left
Lower / Middle Mwldan EOR right
Greenfield Row / Bathhouse Rd EOR left
Pendre Take left fork, right
Napier St Around right bend

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Cardigan test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Napier St Around left bend, right
Napier Gardens EOR left
Fedr Henffordd EOR left
Aberystwyth Rd 2 nd right
Gwbert Rd Right
Park Ave Crossroads right
Greenland Meadow EOR left
Aberystwyth Rd EOR left
By-Pass A487 Left
Feidr Tywod Crossroads right
Heol Y Felin EOR right
By-Pass A487 Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Pont Y Cleifion / Priory St EOR right
Pendre Take right fork
Feidr Fair 2 nd left
Finch Square Roundabout right 3 rd exit
By-Pass A487 Roundabout right 3 rd exit
High St 3 rd left
College Row / Upper Mwldan EOR right
Bathhouse EOR left
Pendre Take left fork, right
Napier St Around right bend

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Cardigan test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
William Terrace / Napier St After left bend, right, EOR left
Feidr Henffordd EOR left
Aberystwyth Rd Right
Greenland Meadows Right
Maes Glas 2 nd left, crossroads right
Greenland Meadows EOR right
Cnwc Y Dintir EOR left
Gwbert Rd EOR right
North Rd Follow left, 2 nd left
Finch Square Roundabout ahead, 4 th left
Maes Y Deri Left or right loop EOR right
Cardigan Rd Roundabout left
Priory Bridge Roundabout right 3 rd left
Quay St Follow right
Lower Mwldan EOR right
Market St EOR left
Pendre Right fork
Feidr Fair 2 nd left
Napier St 2 nd right

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Cardigan test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
William Terrace/ Napier St EOR left
Feidr Fair Follow bend to right
Priory St EOR right
Pendre Take left fork
North Rd 2 nd left
Park Place EOR left
Gwbert Rd Right
Park Ave EOR right
Greenland Meadows EOR left
Aberystwyth Rd Left
Heol Helyg EOR left
Aberystwyth Rd Follow left by-pass A487
To Village Of Pen Parc Left
Feidr Tywod EOR right
Heol Y Felin EOR right
A487 Bypass Roundabout ahead
Priory Bridge Roundabout right 3 rd exit, left
Quay St Follow right
Lower Mwldan EOR left
College Row EOR right
Bathhouse EOR left
Pendre Take left fork, right
Napier St Left
Napier Gardens EOR left
Feidrhen Ffordd EOR left
Aberystwyth Rd / North Rd Follow left
Feidr Fair Left
William Terrace / Napier St 2 nd right

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Cardigan test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
William Terrace/ Napier St EOR, left
Feidr Fair Left
Finch Square Roundabout ahead
A484 2n left
B4570 Crossroads left, crossroads left
Heol Y Felin Crossroads left
Feidr Tywod EOR right
A487 By-Pass Roundabout ahead
Priory Bridge Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Castle St Over bridge 3 rd left
College Row / Middle Mwldan EOR right
Greenfield Rd Bathhouse Rd EOR left
Pendre Take right fork
Feidr Fair Follow right bend
Priory St EOR right
Pendre Left fork, 2 nd left
Park Place EOR right
Gwbert Rd EOR right
North Rd Left

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Cardigan test centre
Road Direction
DTC Exit right
William Terrace / Napier St EOR right
North Rd Left
Park Place EOR right
Gwbert Rd EOR right
North Rd Follow left
Feidr Fair Follow right bend
Priory St Left
Morgan St Follow left
Castle St Roundabout left
A487 Priory Bridge Roundabout ahead
A487 By-Pass After 40mph sign, left
Feidr Fair EOR right
Heol Y Felin EOR right
A487 Left
Unnamed Rd EOR right
Unnamed Rd EOR right
B4570 EOR right
A484 Roundabout ahead
Pont Y Cleifion / Finch Square
/ Priory St EOR right
Pendre Left
Bathhouse Rd Follow left
Middle Mwldan 2 nd left
College Row EOR left
Pendre Take left fork
North Rd / Aberystwyth Rd Right
Feidr Henffordd Right
Maes Henffordd / Napier
Gardens EOR left
Napier St Follow right bend

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