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Plymouth Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Plymouth test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Plymouth below.

While test routes around Plymouth are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Plymouth test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Longbridge Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Parkway 3 rd exit, roundabout 2 nd exit
Victoria Rd Mini roundabout ahead, mini roundabout right
Normandy Way Mini roundabout right
Victoria Rd 3 rd left
Kathleaven St 2 nd right
Colebrook Rd Left
Tresluggan Rd EOR right
Fletemoor Rd Mini roundabout left
Wolseley Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit, T/L left
Outland Rd 6 th T/L left, roundabout 4 th exit
Parkway 1 st exit
Slip Rd Roundabout left
Delamere Rd 2 nd right
Carradale Rd EOR right
Grizedale Rd Roundabout left
Delamere Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Longbridge Rd Roundabout left
St Modwen Rd EOR right
Longbridge Rd Left

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Plymouth test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Longbridge Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Slip Rd Parkway
Parkway 2 nd left
Slip Rd EOR left
St Budeaux By-Pass T/L right
Carlton Terrace Right
York Rd EOR left
Carlton Terrace Right
St Budeaux By-Pass T/L right
Wolseley Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit, left
Normandy Hill Roundabout ahead, right
Pemros Rd Left
Victoria Rd 2 x mini roundabout ahead, roundabout 2 nd exit
Flyover Roundabout 3 rd exit
Parkway 3 rd exit
Slip Rd Roundabout left
Delamere Rd 2 nd right
Carradale Rd EOR right
Grizedale Rd Roundabout left
Delamere Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Longbridge Rd Roundabout left
St Modwen Rd EOR right
Longbridge Rd Left

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Plymouth test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Longbridge Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Parkway 1 st left, roundabout 2 nd exit
Outland Rd 2 x T/L ahead, T/L right
Ham Drive T/L right
Honicknowle Lane Mini roundabout ahead, right
St Pancras Ave EOR right, EOR right
Honicknowle Lane Roundabout 2 nd exit, EOR right
Honicknowle Green EOR right, EOR left
Little Dock Lane Right
Coombe Park Lane EOR left
Crownhill Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Flyover Roundabout left
Roman Way / Trevithick Rd Mini roundabout right
Fleetmoor Rd Left
Bridwell Rd / Carlton Terrace T/L left
St Budeaux By-Pass / Parkway 2 nd exit
Slip Rd Roundabout left
Delamere Rd 2 nd right
Carradale Rd EOR right
Grizedale Rd Roundabout left
Delamere Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Longbridge Rd Roundabout left
St Modwen Rd EOR right
Longbridge Rd Left

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Plymouth test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Longbridge Rd Roundabout 3 rd exit
Delamere Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Grizedale Rd Left
Carradale Rd EOR right
Eggbuckland Rd Mini roundabout left
Efford Rd Right
Dartmeet Ave EOR left
Blandford Rd Right
Higher Efford Rd EOR right
Efford Lane EOR right
Old Laira Rd 2 nd left
Bernice Ave Right
Mostyn Ave EOR left
Lipson Hill 4 th left
Mount Gould Rd / Beaumont Rd 4 th left
Farringdon Rd Crossroads ahead
Unmarked Dead End EOR ahead
Farringdon Rd Left
Beaumont Rd Roundabout left
Greenbank Ave EOR right
Knighton Rd EOR left
Tothill Rd Roundabout left
Embankment Rd / Plymouth Rd Roundabout left, roundabout 4 th
Longbridge Rd 2 nd right

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Plymouth test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Longbridge Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Parkway Left, roundabout 2 nd exit
Outland Rd 2 nd left
Weston Park Rd 10 th right
Edgecombe Park Rd EOR left
Peverell Park Rd Mini roundabout right
Barn Park Rd Right
Inverdene EOR right
Trelawney Rd Left
Quarry Park Rd EOR left
Trelawney Rd / Gifford Place EOR right
Ford Park Rd / Central Park Ave Roundabout left
Saltash Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Coburg St New Junction ahead
Charles St Roundabout 2 nd exit
Exeter St Roundabout 2 nd exit
Embankment Rd / Plymouth Rd Roundabout left
Slip Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Delamere Rd 2 nd right
Carradale Rd EOR right
Grizedale Rd Roundabout left
Delamere Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Longbridge Rd Roundabout left
St Modwen Rd EOR right
Longbridge Rd Left

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Plymouth test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Longbridge Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Parkway 3 rd exit
Slip Rd Roundabout 4 th exit
Flyover Roundabout 2 nd exit
Crownhill Rd T/L left
Budshead Rd Right
Jubilee Rd Left
Kings Rd EOR right
Parade Rd EOR left
Crownhill Rd Right
Little Dock Lane Left
Honicknowle Green Left, roundabout 3 rd exit
Honicknowle Lane Left
Shakespeare Rd / St Peters Rd 5 th left
Ruskin Crescent EOR left
St Peters Rd T/L right
Crownhill Rd 2 nd left
Plumer Rd / Tavistock Rd 2 nd left, roundabout left
Parkway 1 st exit, roundabout left
Delamere Rd 2 nd right
Caradale Rd EOR right
Grizedale Rd Roundabout left
Delamere Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Longbridge Rd 2 nd right

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Plymouth test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Longbridge Rd Roundabout left, roundabout 3 rd
Plymouth Rd / Embankment Rd / Gdynia Way Roundabout left
Exeter St Roundabout 2 nd exit
Charles St Right
North Hill T/L ahead, T/L left
North Rd East 2 nd right
Houndiscombe Rd Left
Sutherland Rd T/L ahead
Beechwood Ave EOR left
Ford Park Rd Right
Gifford Place / Trelawney Rd 5ht left
Inverdene Left
Roslyn Park Rd EOR left
Inverdene EOR right
Trelawney Rd Left
Quarry Park Rd EOR left
Peverell Park Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit, T/L right
Outland Rd 3 rd left, roundabout 4 th exit
Parkway 1 st exit
Slip Rd Roundabout left
Delamere Rd 2 nd right
Carradale Rd EOR right
Grizedale Rd Roundabout left
Delamere Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Longbridge Rd Roundabout left
St Modwen Rd EOR right
Longbridge Rd Left

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Plymouth test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Longbridge Rd Roundabout left, roundabout 3 rd
Plymouth Rd / Embankment Rd Right
Lanhydrock Rd Right
Heathfield Rd EOR left
Beaumont Rd Right
Farringdon Rd EOR left
Ladysmith Rd EOR right
Lipson Hill / Lipson Rd T/L ahead
Ashford Hill / Ashford Crescent / Seymour Rd 2 nd right
Compton Ave Right
Dormy Ave EOR left
Compton Park Rd T/L right
Mannamead Rd Roundabout 5 th exit
Parkway Exit
Slip Rd Roundabout left
Delamere Rd 2 nd right
Carradale Rd EOR right
Grizedale Rd Roundabout left
Delamere Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Longbridge Rd Roundabout left
St Modwen Rd EOR right
Longbridge Rd Left

Route 9

Test Route 9 at Plymouth test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Longbridge Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Parkway 3 rd exit
Slip Rd Roundabout 4 th exit
Flyover Roundabout left
Ernesettle Lane Right
Northolt Ave Roundabout left, EOR left
Lakeside Drive / Uxbridge Drive 4th right
Biggin Hill 2 x roundabout ahead
Budshead Rd Left
Jubilee Rd Left
Kings Rd EOR right
Parade Rd EOR left
Crownhill Rd / Fort Austin Ave 2 nd right
Widey Lane Left
Bowden Park Rd EOR right
Church Hill 7 th left
Delamere Rd Left
Caradale Rd Right
Greystoke Ave EOR right
Caradale Rd EOR right
Grizedale Rd EOR left
Delamere Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Longbridge Rd 2 nd right

Route 10

Test Route 10 at Plymouth test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Longbridge Rd T/L right
Barnstaple Close Roundabout right, T/L right
Novorossisk Rd Roundabout left
Plymbridge Rd Roundabout ahead
New Rd / Southway Drive T/L right
Clittaford Rd 2 nd right
Lulworth Drive Roundabout 2 nd exit
Southway Lane Left
Widewell Rd EOR right
Southway Lane Roundabout left
Lulworth Drive EOR right
Clittaford Rd Roundabout left
Flamborough Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Southway Drive EOR left
Tamerton Foliot Rd Left
Looseleigh Lane Roundabout 4 th exit
Tavistock Rd 6 th left
Slip Rd Roundabout left
Parkway 1 st exit
Slip Rd Roundabout left
Delamere Rd 2 nd right
Carradale Rd EOR right
Grizedale Rd Roundabout left
Delamere Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Longbridge Rd Roundabout left
St Modwen Rd EOR right
Longbridge Rd Left

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