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8:30am to 5:00pm Mon-Fri

Widnes Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Widnes test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Widnes below.

While test routes around Widnes are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Widnes test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Service Rd Right
Everite Rd Left
Ditchfield Rd EOR right
Liverpool Rd T/L ahead, left
Shakespear Rd EOR right
Highfield Rd EOR left
Birchfield Rd 7 th right
Buckingham Avenue EOR left
Clarence Avenue EOR left
Pit Lane 2 nd left
Coroners Lane 2 nd right
Ryder Rd EOR right
Glebe Rd Left
Birkdale Rd EOR left
Grosvenor Rd EOR right
Lunts Heath Rd T/L left
Derby Rd Roundabout left
Slip Road to Eastern By Pass Roundabout left
Eastern By Pass 2 nd T/L right hand lane ahead
Ashley Way West T/L ahead, roundabout ahead
Lowerhouse Lane Roundabout left
Dundalk Rd T/L left
Hale Rd T/L right
Ditchfield Rd 3 rd left
Everite Rd Left
Service Rd Left

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Widnes test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Service Rd Right
Everite Rd Left
Ditchfield Rd Right
Coronation Drive 2 nd left
Coronet Way Crossroads ahead
Gutticar Rd Left
Mayfield Avenue Right
Crawford Avenue EOR right
Liverpool Rd T/L ahead, left
Shakespeare Rd EOR right
Highfield Rd EOR left
Birchfield Rd Right
Pitt Lane 2 nd right
Beaconsfield Rd EOR left
Pitt Lane Left
Coroners Lane 2 nd right
Ryder Rd EOR
Glebe Rd Left
Birkdale Rd EOR left
Grosvenor Rd EOR left
Lunts Heath Rd Right
Wilmere Lane Right
Watkinson Way T/L ahead, T/L right
Ashley Way West T/L ahead, roundabout ahead
Lowerhouse Lane Roundabout left
Dundalk Rd T/L left
Hale Rd T/L right
Ditchfield Rd 3 rd left
Everite Rd Left
Service Rd Left

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Widnes test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Service Rd Right
Everite Rd EOR right
Ditchfield Rd T/L ahead
St Michaels Rd EOR left
Ditton Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit ahead
Moor Lane Roundabout left
Lowerhouse Lane Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Moor Lane Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Lowerhouse Lane T/L 3 rd right
Milton Rd T/L right
Kingsway Roundabout right 4 th exit
Moor Lane Roundabout 1 st left
Ashley Way West T/L right
Victoria Rd Mini roundabout 1 st left
Waterloo Rd 2 nd right
Milton St EOR right
Westbank Becomes
Pitt St 1 st left
Cromwell St EOR left
Hutchinson St Mini roundabout ahead, 1 st left
Queensway Slip Rd 1 st left
Runcorn Spur Slip Left
Greenway Rd 1 st right
High St T/L right
Leiria Way Roundabout right
Leiria Way T/L right
Queensway Ahead, 2 nd slip rd left
Ditton Rd Roundabout left, T/L right
Hale Rd T/L left
Ditchfield Rd 3 rd left
Everite Rd 1 st left
Service Rd Left

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Widnes test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Service Rd Left
Everite Rd Left
Speke Rd / Queensway / Runcorn
Bridge Left
Greenway Rd 2 nd left
Egerton St 2 nd right
Waterloo Rd 3 rd left
Lord St 2 nd left
Brindley St / Percival Lane Roundabout left
Dock Rd EOR right
Picow Farm Rd Left
Westfield Rd Right
Russell Rd EOR left
Sandy Lane / Weston Rd Left
Holloway EOR right
Picow Farm Rd Roundabout ahead
Runcorn Old Bus Lane T/L right
Greenway Rd Right
Queensway / Runcorn Bridge Roundabout left
Ditton Rd T/L right
Hale Rd Mini roundabout ahead, T/L left
Ditchfield Rd 3 rd left
Everite Rd Left
Service Rd Left

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Widnes test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Service Rd Right
Everite Rd Left
Ditchfield Rd Left
Netherley Rd 1 st right
Hough Green Lane 2 nd left
Northern Lane Becomes
Prescot Rd Crossroads right
Cronton Lane T/L right
Chapel Lane Roundabout right
Hough Green Rd Left
Arley Drive EOR left
Hough Green Rd EOR left
Netherley Rd Becomes
Liverpool Rd 3 rd right
Royal Avenue Left
Hanley Rd Right
Borrowdale Rd EOR left
Coronation Drive EOR right
Hale Rd T/L left
St Michaels Rd EOR right
Ditton Rd T/L right
Hale Rd T/L left
Ditchfield Rd 3 rd left
Everite Rd Left
Service Rd Left

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Widnes test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Service Rd Right
Everite Rd Right
Ditchfield Rd 1 st right
Wyncroft Rd EOR right
Hale Rd Mini roundabout ahead, 1 st right
Speke Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Baileys Lane Roundabout right
Greenbridge Lane EOR right
Netherley Rd Becomes
Liverpool Rd 8 th right
Blundell Rd 1 st right
Hanley Rd EOR right
Royal Avenue EOR right
Liverpool Rd T/L right
Hale Rd 2 nd T/L left
St Michaels Rd EOR right
Ditton Rd 1 st T/L right
Hale Rd 1 st T/L left
Ditchfield Rd 3 rd left
Everite Rd Left
Service Rd Left

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Widnes test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Service Rd Right
Everite Rd Left
Ditchfield Rd Right
Coronation Drive EOR left
Hale Rd T/L right
Dundalk Rd Roundabout left
Lowerhouse Lane T/L right
Milton Rd Right
Rose St EOR right
Milton Rd Right
Caldwell Rd Left
Moor Lane Roundabout right 4 th exit
Victoria Rd T/L left
Ashley Way 3 rd T/L ahead, slip road left
Slip Rd T/L left
Derby Rd EOR left
Peal House Lane Right
Lancaster Rd EOR left
Birchfield Rd T/L ahead, T/L right
Milton Rd T/L left
Lowerhouse Lane Roundabout ahead
Lowerhouse / Moor Lane 2 nd roundabout right 3 rd exit
Ditton Rd Right
St Michaels Rd T/L ahead
Ditchfield Rd 3 rd left
Everite Rd Left
Service Rd Left

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Widnes test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Service Rd Left
Everite Rd 2 nd left
Marshgate Mini roundabout right
Hale Rd Left
Ditton Rd Roundabout 4 th exit
Queensway / Runcorn Bridge Left
Greenway Rd 3 rd left
Egerton St Crossroads right
Waterloo Rd EOR right
Mersey Rd EOR right
High St T/L ahead, crossroads left
Greenway Rd 10 th right
Holloway Left
Westfield Rd 4 th left
Russell Rd EOR left
Sandy Lane / Weston Rd Left
Holloway Right
Queens Rd EOR left
Greenway Rd T/L ahead, 2 nd left
Queensway / Runcorn Bridge / Queensway 2 nd slip lane, roundabout left
Ditton Rd Right
St Michaels Rd T/L ahead
Ditchfield Rd 3 rd left
Everite Rd Left
Service Rd Left

Route 9

Test Route 9 at Widnes test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Service Rd Left
Everite Rd 2 nd left
Marshgate Mini roundabout right
Hale Rd Right slip rd
Speke Rd Signs Liverpool, Woolton, Halewood
Higher Rd 1 st left
Higher Rd 2 nd right
Ramsbrook Lane EOR right
Hale Rd 1 st right
Eastern Avenue 1 st right
Alderfield Drive 4 th left
Heathgate Avenue Crossroad right
East Damwood Rd Crossroad right
Heathgate Avenue Crossroad left
Eastern Avenue EOR right
Hale Rd/Dunlop Rd EOR right
Speke Hall Avenue Roundabout 3 rd exit, T/L right
Speke Rd T/L ahead
Speke Rd (Past Jaguar Factory) 1 st left
Slip Rd EOR right
Higher Rd/Halebank Rd EOR left
Hale Rd 2 nd T/L left, mini roundabout left
Marshgate EOR right
Everite Rd 3 rd right
Service Rd Left

Route 10

Test Route 10 at Widnes test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Service Rd Right
Everite Rd EOR left
Ditchfield Rd 6 th left
Hall Ave EOR left
Ditchfield Rd EOR left
Liverpool Rd Right
Hough Green Rd Left
Northern Lane Right
Cherry Sutton Right, right
Haddon Drive Left
Hough Green Rd Roundabout ahead
Queensbury Way Roundbaout right
Prescot Rd / Chapel Lane T/L right
Cronton Rd 2 nd left
Hall Lane EOR left
Smithy Lane T/L right
Cronton Rd 3 rd left
Prescot Rd Crossroads right
Water Lane EOR left
Netherley Rd / Liverpool Rd Right
Royal Avenue 3 rd left
Queens Avenue EOR right
Coronation Drive EOR left
Ditchfield Rd Right
Everite Rd Left
Service Rd Left

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