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Peterborough Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Peterborough test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Peterborough below.

While test routes around Peterborough are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Peterborough test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Gresley Way Roundabout left
Westfield Rd Roundabout left
Bourges Boulevard 2 x roundabout ahead
Lincoln Rd Roundabout right
Mountsteven Ave Left
Arundle Rd Left
Corfe Ave / Amberley Slope Right
Church St Left
Fulbridge Rd Roundabout right
Paston Park Way Roundabout ahead
Paston Place Way Roundabout right
Soke Park Way Roundabout left
Fulbridge Rd Right
Sheridan Rd Right
Fulbridge Rd Mini roundabout right
St Pauls Rd Left
Lincoln Rd Right
Maskew Ave Roundabout left
Bourges Boulevard Roundabout right
Westfield Rd Roundabout right
Gresley Way Roundabout right

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Peterborough test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Gresley Way Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Slip road Roundabout right
Bourges Boulevard Left
Slip Rd Right
Lincoln Rd Mini roundabout ahead, mini roundabout left
Burghley Rd Roundabout ahead
Burghley Square T/L ahead
Crawthorne Rd Roundabout left
Padholme Rd 2 nd T/L left
Newark Ave Right
Eastern Ave Right
Chestnut Ave Right
Central Ave Left
Eastern Ave Right
Welland Rd Left
A47 Roundabout ahead
Soke Parkway Roundabout left
Brotherhood slip Roundabout ahead
Slip Rd Roundabout left
Gresley Way Roundabout ahead, roundabout left

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Peterborough test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Gresley Way Roundabout left
Westfield Rd Right
Grange Rd EOR right
Mayors Walk Left
Westwood Park Rd EOR left
Thorpe Rd Roundabout right
Bourges Boulevard Roundabout right
Rivergate Follow left
Town Bridge 2 x mini roundabout ahead
London Rd T/L ahead
Fletton Ave Left
Fairfield Rd EOR left
Fletton Ave / Whittlesey Rd 2 nd mini roundabout ahead, roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Fletton Park Way Roundabout right
Nene Park Way Roundabout right
Longthorpe Park Way Roundabout left
Thorpe Rd Right
Thorpe Park Rd Left
Audley Gate EOR right
Atherstone Ave / Wilton Drive EOR right
Atherstone Ave Roundabout left
Gresley Way Roundabout right

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Peterborough test centre
Road Direction
Bretton Gate Roundabout left
Cranford Drive Roundabout right
Atherstone Ave / Ledbury Rd Right
Audley Gate EOR left
Thorpe Park Rd / Mayors Walk Left
Priory Rd Left
Mayors Walk Right
Midlands Rd Left
Thorpe Rd Roundabout right
Bourges Boulevard Roundabout right
Rivergate EOR left
Town Bridge Mini roundabout ahead
London Rd T/L right, T/L left
Fletton High St Mini roundabout right
Whittlesey Rd Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Fletton Park Way Roundabout right
Nene Parkway Roundabout right
Longthorpe Park Way Roundabout ahead
Thorpe Rd Left
Westwood Park Rd Right
Mayors Walk Left
Grange Rd Left
Westfield Rd Roundabout right
Gresley Way Roundabout right

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Peterborough test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Gresley Way Roundabout right
Atherstone Ave Left
Wilton Drive Left
Tiverton Rd EOR right
Berkeley Rd Left
Audley Gate Left
Thorpe Park Rd / Mayors Walk Left
Priory Rd Left
Mayors Walk Roundabout right
Bourges Boulevard 2 x roundabout ahead
Bishops Rd Mini roundabout ahead
St Johns St Roundabout right
Boongate Roundabout right
Frank Perkins Park Way / Fletton
Park Way Roundabout right
Nene Park Way Roundabout right
Soke Parkway Roundabout right

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Peterborough test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Gresley Way Roundabout left
Westfield Rd Roundabout left
Bourges Boulevard Roundabout right
Maskew Ave / Lincoln Rd Right
Lincoln Rd Left
Northfield Rd Crossroads ahead, crossroads right
Exeter Rd Right
Lynton Rd Right
Warbon Ave Right
St Pauls Rd Mini roundabout ahead, mini roundabout left
Welland Rd Left
Bluebell Ave Right
Campion Rd / Lavender Crescent EOR left
Welland Rd Left
A47 Trunk Rd Roundabout ahead
Parkway Roundabout 2 nd exit
Longthorpe Left
Thorpe Rd Left
Thorpe Park Rd Left
Audley Gate Right
Ledbury Rd Right
Atherstone Ave Roundabout left
Gresley Way Roundabout right

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Peterborough test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Gresley Way Roundabout left
Westfield Rd Left
Priory Rd Right
Muswell Rd Left
Almoners Lane Left
Mayors Walk Roundabout ahead
Bright St Left
Lincoln Rd 2 x roundabout ahead, T/L ahead
Maskew Ave Mini roundabout right
Bourges Boulevard Roundabout left
Slip Rd Roundabout ahead
Soke Parkway Follow left
Nene Parkway Roundabout left
Longthorpe Parkway Roundabout left
Thorpe Rd Right
Thorpe Park Road Right
Westwood Park Rd Right
Mayors Walk Left
Grange Rd Left
Westfield Rd Roundabout right
Gresley Way Roundabout right

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Peterborough test centre
Road Direction
DTC Roundabout ahead
Bretton Gate Roundabout left
Cranford Drive Roundabout right
Atherstone Ave / Ledbury Rd Right
Tiverton Rd Right
Berkeley Rd Left
Thorpe Park Rd Left
Thorpe Rd Roundabout left, left
Westwood Park Rd Right
Thorpe Rd Roundabout ahead
Longthorpe Park Way Roundabout left
Nene Parkway Roundabout left
Fletton Park Way / Frank Perkins
Parkway Roundabout left
Boongate Roundabout ahead
Crawthorn Rd T/L ahead
Burghley Square Mini roundabout ahead
Burghley Rd Mini roundabout right
Lincoln Rd Mini roundabout ahead, left
Taverners Rd Roundabout ahead
Westfield Rd Roundabout right
Gresley way Roundabout right

Route 9

Test Route 9 at Peterborough test centre
Road Direction
DTC Ahead
Bretton gate Roundabout left
Cranford drive Roundabout right
Atherstone Ave 2 x roundabout ahead
Westfield Rd Roundabout right
Bourges Boulevard Roundabout left
Bright St Left
Lincoln Rd Mini roundabout right
Burghley Rd Mini roundabout ahead
Burghley Square T/L left
Broadway Left
Broadway Gardens Left
Broadway Left
Eastfield Rd T/L ahead, roundabout ahead
Oxney Rd Roundabout left
Parnwell Way Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Peterborough Rd Roundabout left
A1139 Roundabout left
A47 Roundabout ahead
Soke Parkway Roundabout left
Bretton gate Roundabout left, roundabout ahead

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