To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Aylesbury below.
While test routes around Aylesbury are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.
Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Walton Grove | EOR left |
Walton Rd | Gyratory system left |
Wendover Rd | Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout left |
Cambourne Ave | Left |
Tunfurlong Lane | 2 nd right |
Westmorland Ave | EOR right |
Howard Ave | EOR left |
Long Meadow | EOR left |
Bedgrove | Roundabout right |
Tring Road | Roundabout left |
Broughton Lane / Burcott lane | EOR left |
Aylesbury Rd | Roundabout left |
Copice Way | 4 th left |
Field Way | EOR right |
Meadow Way | EOR left |
Douglas Rd | Right |
Stocklake | Roundabout right |
Park St | Roundabout left |
Cambridge St | Roundabout left |
Upper Hundreds Way | Roundabout right |
Vale Park Drive | Roundabout left |
High St | Roundabout right 4 th exit |
Walton Rd | 2 nd left |
Walton Grove | Right |
Road | Direction |
DTC | |
Car Park | Left |
Walton Grove | Left |
Walton Rd | 3 rd exit at Gyratory system |
Walton St | Roundabout left |
Friarage Rd | 2 x roundabout ahead, mini roundabout right |
Oxford Rd | 3 x mini roundabout ahead |
Buckingham Rd | 2 nd right |
Dunsham Lane | 3 rd left |
Drayton Rd | EOR right |
Dunsham Lane | EOR right |
Buckingham Rd | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
Elmhurst Rd | Left |
Cannock Rd | 2 nd Right |
Gilmore Rd | EOR left |
Elmhurst Rd | Roundabout left |
Aylesbury Rd | Double mini roundabout ahead, 4 th |
right | |
Burcott Lane / Broughton Lane | Double mini roundabout right |
Akeman Rd | Right |
Richmond Rd | Left |
Broughton Ave | Right |
Connought Rd | Return to |
Broughton Ave | EOR left |
Oakfield Rd | Mini roundabout right |
Tring Rd | Roundabout left |
Walton Rd | 2 nd left |
Walton Grove | Right |
Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Walton Grove | Right |
Walton Rd | Roundabout right 4 th exit |
Tring Rd | Roundabout ahead, 2 nd right |
Regent Rd | EOR left |
Limes Ave | Right |
Northumberland Ave | Left |
Howard Ave | EOR left |
Long Meadow | Turn into |
Brentwood Way | EOR left |
Bedgrove | 2 x mini roundabout ahead |
Aston Clinton Rd / Aylesbury Rd | Mini roundabout right |
Western Rd / Brook End | Mini roundabout ahead |
Main St / Marroway | Roundabout right |
Wendover Rd | 2 x roundabout ahead, mini roundabout ahead, 2 nd exit at Gyratory system |
Walton St | Roundabout right |
Exchange St | Roundabout right |
Lower High St | Roundabout right 4 th exit |
Walton Rd | 2 nd left |
Walton Grove | Right |
Road | Direction |
DTC | |
Car Park | Left |
Walton Grove | Left |
Walton Rd | Left at Gyratory System |
Wendover Rd | Mini roundabout ahead, 2 nd right |
Elm Farm Rd | Left |
Charmfield Rd | EOR left |
Weill Rd | EOR right |
Patrick Way | Left |
Eastcote Rd | EOR right |
Wendover Rd | Roundabout ahead, roundabout left |
Marrow Way | Roundabout ahead |
Main St | Right |
Bates Lane | Return to |
Main St | Mini roundabout left |
New Rd | EOR left |
Aston Clinton Rd | Mini roundabout ahead |
Broughton Lane | Left |
Stocklake | EOR right |
Douglas Rd | Left |
Stocklake | Return to |
Douglas Rd | Roundabout left |
Bierton Rd | Mini roundabout ahead |
Cambridge St | Roundabout right |
New St | Left, 3 x mini roundabout ahead |
Oxford Rd | Mini roundabout right |
Friarage Rd | Left |
Castle St | Right |
Temple Sq | EOR right |
Rickfords Hill | Left |
Friarage Rd | Roundabout ahead, roundabout right |
Walton St | Left at Gyratory System |
Walton Rd | Right |
Walton Grove | Right |
Road | Direction |
DTC | |
Car Park | Left |
Walton Grove | Left |
Walton Rd | Ahead at Gyratory System, 2 nd exit |
Stoke Rd / Mandeville Rd | Mini roundabout left |
Harvey Rd | Return to |
Mandeville Rd | Roundabout |
Churchill Ave | 2 nd right |
Marlborough Rd / Wellington Rd | EOR right |
Rutherford Rd | EOR left |
Churchill Ave | Roundabout right |
Lower Rd | Roundabout ahead, 2 nd right |
Marsh Lane | EOR right |
Bishopstone Rd | Crossroads right |
Portway Rd | EOR right |
Oxford Rd | Roundabout ahead, roundabout left, T/L left |
Fowler Rd | 2 x mini roundabout ahead, left |
Rowland Way | Return to |
Fowler Rd | 2 x mini roundabout ahead, T/L left |
Oxford Rd | Double mini roundabouts ahead, 3 x mini roundabout ahead |
Buckingham Rd | Roundabout right |
Elmhurst Rd | Roundabout right |
Beirton Rd | Mini roundabout left |
Park St | Roundabout ahead, roundabout right |
Walton Rd | 2 nd left |
Walton Grove | Right |
Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Walton Grove | EOR left |
Walton Rd | Gyratory System right 3 rd exit |
Walton St | Roundabout right |
Exchange St | Roundabout ahead |
Vale Park Drive | Roundabout left |
Upper Hundreds Way | Roundabout ahead |
New St | Roundabout right |
Buckingham Rd | Turn into |
Elmhurst Rd | Left |
Cannock Rd | 2 nd right |
Gilmore Rd | EOR left |
Elmhurst Rd | Roundabout left |
Aylesbury Rd | Double roundabout ahead, 4 th right |
Burcott Lane / Broughton Lane | Roundabout right |
Tring Rd | Roundabout left |
Bedgrove | Right |
Queens Mead | EOR right |
Craigwell Ave | EOR right |
Regent Rd | EOR left |
Tring Rd | 2 nd mini roundabout right |
Oakfield Rd | 3 rd left |
Stocklake | Roundabout ahead |
Vale Park Drive | Roundabout ahead, roundabout left |
High St | Roundabout right 4 th exit |
Walton Rd | 2 nd left |
Walton Grove | Right |
Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Walton Grove | Right |
Walton Rd | Roundabout left |
Lower High St | Roundabout right |
Vale Park Drive | Roundabout left |
Upper Hundreds Way | Roundabout ahead |
New St | Mini roundabout right |
Buckingham Rd | Roundabout ahead, mini roundabout ahead |
A413 | Right |
New Rd | Crossroads ahead |
Aston Abbots Rd / Limes Hill / Moat Lane | 2 nd right, EOR right |
The Green / Wingrave Rd | EOR right |
The Green / Wingrave Rd | EOR right |
A418 / Aylesbury Rd | Left |
Bierton Rd | Roundabout left |
Douglas Rd | 3 rd right |
Stocklake | Roundabout left |
Park St | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
Walton Rd | 2 nd left |
Walton Grove | Right |
Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Walton Grove | Right |
Walton St | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
Park St | Roundabout right |
Stocklake | EOR left |
Douglas Rd | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
Aylesbury Rd | Mini roundabout left |
Oldhams Meadows | Return to |
Aylesbury Rd / A418 | Crossroads left |
Wingrave Rd / The Green | 2 nd left, EOR left |
Moat Lane / Limes Hill / Aston Abbots Rd / New Rd | EOR left |
A413 | Roundabout 1 st exit |
Watermead | Roundabout right |
Watermeadow | Return to |
Watermead | Roundabout left |
Buckingham Rd | Roundabout ahead, mini roundabout left |
New St | Roundabout ahead |
Upper Hundreds Way | Roundabout right |
Vale Park Drive | Roundabout left |
Lower High St | Roundabout 4 th exit |
Walton Rd | 2 nd left |
Walton Grove |
Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Walton Grove | Right |
Walton Rd | Roundabout right 4 th exit |
Tring Rd | Double mini roundabout right |
King Edward Ave | Double mini roundabout ahead |
Wendover Way | Mini roundabout left |
Wendover Rd | Right |
Spencer Rd | Left |
Westminster Drive | EOR right |
Ringstead Way | Turn into |
Lynwood Rd | EOR right |
Elm Farm Rd | Left |
Hazelhurst Drive | EOR left |
Waivers Way | EOR right |
Charmfield Rd | EOR left |
Weill Rd | EOR right |
Patrick Way | Left |
Eastcote Rd | EOR right |
Wendover Rd | Roundabout ahead |
A413 | Roundabout ahead, roundabout right |
Wendover By Pass | Roundabout right |
Nash Lee Rd | Roundabout right |
Risborough Rd | Roundabout left |
Lower Rd | Mini roundabout ahead |
Mandeville Rd | 2 x mini roundabout ahead |
Stoke Rd | 2 nd exit gyratory system |
Walton Rd | Right |
Walton Grove | Right |
Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Walton Grove | Right |
Turnfurlong | Mini roundabout ahead |
Kind Edward Ave | Mini roundabout left |
Tring Rd | Mini roundabout right |
Oakfield Rd | Right |
Broughton Ave | EOR right |
Richmond Rd | EOR left |
Akeman Way | Mini roundabout left |
Tring Rd | Mini roundabout left |
Broughton Lane / Burcott Lane | EOR left |
Aylesbury Rd | 2 x mini roundabouts ahead, roundabout right |
Elmhurst Rd | Roundabout left |
Buckingham Rd | 3 x mini roundabouts ahead |
Oxford Rd | Roundabout left |
Friarage Rd | Left |
Castle St | Right |
Temple Square | EOR right |
Rickfords Hill | Left |
Friarage Rd | Roundabout ahead, roundabout right |
Walton St | T/L left |
Walton Rd | Right |
Walton Grove | Right |
Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Walton Grove | Right |
Walton Rd | Right |
Turnfurlong | Mini roundabout left, mini roundabout right |
Turnfurlong Lane | Left |
Westmoreland Ave | Left |
Northumberland Ave | EOR right |
Limes Ave | EOR left |
Long Meadow | EOR left |
Bedgrove | Mini roundabout right, mini roundabout ahead |
Tring Rd | Right |
New Rd | Mini roundabout right |
Main St | Mini roundabout ahead |
Marroway | Roundabout right |
Aylesbury Rd | Roundabout left |
Station Rd | Roundabout bear right |
Lower Rd | Roundabout left |
Churchill Ave | Roundabout ahead, roundabout right |
Cotesloe Rd | 2 nd right |
Clover Lane / Old Stoke Rd | Roundabout right 4 th exit |
Stoke Rd | Left, left at Gyratory System |
Walton St | Roundabout right |
Exchange St | Roundabout right |
Lower High St | Roundabout right 4 th exit |
Walton Rd | 2 nd left |
Walton Grove | Right |
Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Walton Grove | Right |
Walton St | Roundabout right 4 th exit |
Tring Rd | Roundabout left |
Oakfield Rd | Right |
Broughton Ave | 5 th left |
Connought Rd | Return to |
Broughton Ave | EOR right |
Richmond Rd | EOR left |
Akeman Rd | Roundabout ahead |
Bedgrove | Right |
Queens Mead | EOR left |
Craigwell Ave | EOR right |
Limes Ave | Left |
Northumberland Ave | EOR right |
Westmoreland Ave | EOR right |
Turnfurlong Lane | Mini roundabout left, mini roundabout ahead |
Wendover Way | Mini roundabout right |
Wendover Rd | Gyratory system ahead, 2 nd exit |
Walton St | Roundabout left |
Friarage Rd | 2 x roundabout ahead, mini roundabout right |
Oxford Rd | Triple mini roundabout right |
Upper Hundreds Way | Roundabout right |
Vale Park Drive | Roundabout left |
Lower High St | Roundabout right 4 th exit |
Walton Rd | 2 nd left |
Walton Grove | Right |