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Bristol (Brislington) Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Bristol (Brislington) test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Bristol (Brislington) below.

While test routes around Bristol (Brislington) are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR left
Flowers Hill T/L left
Bath Rd T/L ahead
Brislington Hill 2 nd left
Kenneth Rd EOR left
Hulse Rd EOR right
Water Lane EOR compulsory left
Eagle Rd / Bath Rd Left
Kensington Park Rd 2 nd right
Runswick Rd EOR right
Kensington Park Rd / Lodway Rd EOR right
Talbot Rd / Priory Rd T/L ahead
Broadwalk Roundabout ahead 3 rd exit
Daventry Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Leinster Ave 3 rd left
Broadbury Rd Roundabout left
Creswicke Rd T/L left
Airport Rd T/L ahead
Callington Rd Roundabout right, ahead
West Town Lane T/L right
Bath Rd T/L 2 nd right
Flowers Hill 2 nd right
Government Buildings Rd Left

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR left
Flowers Hill T/L left
Bath Rd T/L ahead
Brislington Hill / Bristol Hill / Eagle Rd / Bath Rd 5 x T/L ahead
St Philips Causeway Roundabout left, roundabout ahead, T/L right
Days Rd Roundabout right
Barrow Rd Sharp left bend
Barton Hill Rd 3 rd right
Queen Anne Rd Mini roundabout left
Avonvale Rd Right
Marsh Lane EOR left
Feeder Rd T/L ahead, T/L left
St Anne’s Rd Roundabout ahead
Wyatts View EOR left
Wootton Rd Right
Guildford Rd 7 th left
Eastwood Avenue Right
Jersey Avenue EOR left
Birchwood Rd Mini roundabout left
Broomhill Rd Mini roundabout left
Emery Rd T/L right
Bath Rd T/L left
Flowers Hill 2 nd right
Government Buildings Rd Left

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR left
Flowers Hill T/L right
Bath Rd T/L ahead, roundabout left
Avon Ring Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout left
Wraxall Rd Roundabout left
Cock Rd Roundabout right
Westons Way Roundabout left
Courtney Rd Right
Gages Rd EOR right
Courtney Rd EOR left
Court Rd Right
Pows Rd EOR right
Hanham Rd Roundabout right, ahead
High St Kingswood / Hill St / Deanery Rd Roundabout right
Avon Ring Rd 2 x roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Bath Rd T/L left lane, T/L ahead, T/L left
Flowers Hill 2 nd right
Government Buildings Rd Left

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR left
Flowers Hill T/L left
Bath Rd T/L left
West Town Lane T/L right
Callington Rd Roundabout left, T/L ahead
Airport Rd T/L right
Creswicke Rd Roundabout right
Broadbury Rd Right
Hartcliffe Rd Left
Bantry Rd Crossroads ahead, EOR right
Leinster Ave Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Daventry Rd Roundabout 2 nd exit
Axbridge Rd 2 nd right
Redcatch Rd 3 rd left
Calcott Rd Right
Bayham Rd Left
Norton Rd EOR left
Bayham Rd EOR right
Redcatch Rd Left
Stoneleigh Rd 3 rd left
Broadwalk T/L right
Wells Rd T/L left
Callington Rd Roundabout right, ahead
West Town Lane T/L right
Bath Rd T/L 2 nd right
Flowers Hill 2 nd right
Government Buildings Rd Left

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR left
Flowers Hill T/L right
Bath Rd T/L ahead, roundabout right
Durley Hill / Bristol Rd Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout left
Station Rd / Keynsham Rd Roundabout left
Willsbridge Hill Mini roundabout ahead
Court Farm Rd 3 rd right
Ellacombe Rd Right
Pearsall Rd EOR left
Ellacombe Rd EOR left
Bath Rd 2 nd right
Watsons Rd EOR left
Shellards Rd / Parkwall Rd Mini roundabout left
Woodward Drive T/L left
Marsham Way Roundabout right
Stonehill T/L right
Aldermoor Way Roundabout right, roundabout left
Marsham Way Roundabout left
Avon Ring Rd Roundabout right
Bath Rd T/L ahead, T/L left
Flowers Hill 2 nd right
Government Buildings Rd Left

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR ahead
Flowers Hill T/L left
Bath Rd T/L left
West Town Lane T/L left
West Town Lane 2nd left
West Town Park 1st right
West Town Drive Sharp left bend
West Town Grove Becomes
Westbrook Rd Becomes
West Town Park EOR left
West Town Lane Mini roundabout right
West Town Lane 1st left
Hazelbury Rd 1 st left
Mowbray Rd EOR left
Wells Rd T/L ahead
Wells Rd 2 nd set T/L right
Ridgeway Lane 2nd left
Ridgeway Lane ahead
Whitchurch Lane 4th right
Fortfield Rd 1 st left
Briery Leaze Rd EOR right
Bamfield Mini roundabout ahead
Bamfield T/L right
Airport Rd T/L ahead
Callington Rd Roundabout right
Callington Rd Roundabout ahead
West Town Lane T/L right
Bath Rd T/L right
Flowers Hill 2nd right
Government Buildings Rd 1st left

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR ahead
Flowers Hill T/L right
Bath Rd T/L left
Emery Rd Mini Roundabout right
Broomhill Rd Mini Roundabout right
Birchwood Rd 2 nd right
Eastwood Rd EOR right
Birchwood Rd 2nd left
First Ave Mini Roundabout left
St Annes Park Rd EOR left
Wick Rd 1st right
Salisbury Rd Ahead
Bloomfield Rd EOR left
Langton Rd 2nd right
Langton Court Rd EOR left
Newbridge Rd T/L ahead
Feeder Rd 2nd right
Marsh Lane EOR left
Avonvale Rd Mini Roundabout right
Queen Anne’s Rd EOR left
Barton Hill Rd Sharp right bend
Barrow Rd Roundabout left
Days Rd T/L left
St Phillips Causeway Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
St Phillips Causeway Roundabout right 3 rd exit
St Phillips Causeway T/L becomes
Bath Rd Becomes
Grove Park Becomes
Bristol Hill Becomes
Brislington Hill T/L ahead
Bath Rd T/L right filter
Flowers Hill 2nd right
Government Buildings Rd Left

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR ahead
Flowers Hill T/L left
Bath Rd T/L left
West Town Lane T/L left
West Town Lane Mini roundabout right
West Town Lane T/L ahead
Hengrove Lane - Walsh Ave 6 th right
Cornhill Drive EOR left
Tarnock Ave 1 st left
No Name Rd EOR right
Great Hayles Rd EOR right
Bamfield T/L left
Hengrove Way T/L ahead
Hengrove Way Roundabout left
Whitchurch Lane Roundabout ahead 1 st exit
Whitchurch Lane 1 st left
Bamfield 2 nd right
Briery Leaze Rd EOR left
Fortfield 2 nd right
Wharnecliffe Gardens T/L left
Wells Rd T/L ahead
Wells Rd T/L right
West Town Lane Mini roundabout left
West Town Lane T/L right
West Town Lane T/L right
Bath Rd T/L right
Flowers Hill 2nd right
Government Buildings Rd 1st left

Route 9

Test Route 9 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR ahead
Flowers Hill T/L right
Bath Rd T/L ahead
Bath Rd Roundabout left
Avon Ring Rd Roundabout right 3rd exit
Marsham Way Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Marsham Way T/L left
Woodward Drive 1st right
Moorcroft Drive EOR right
Woodward Drive Mini roundabout right
Parkwall Rd 2 nd left
Long Beach Rd EOR right
Bath Rd 1 st left
Ellacombe Rd 1 st right
Pearsall Rd EOR left
Ellacombe Rd EOR left
Court Farm Rd Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
Willsbridge Hill Roundabout right 2 nd exit
Keynsham Rd Becomes
Station Rd Roundabout right 2 nd exit
Bristol Rd Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Bristol Rd Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit
Durley Hill Roundabout left
Bath Rd T/L ahead
Bath Rd T/L left
Flowers Hill 2nd right
Government Buildings Rd Left

Route 10

Test Route 10 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR ahead
Flowers Hill T/L right
Bath Rd T/L ahead
Bath Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Durley Hill Mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit
Bristol Rd Mini roundabout right
St Ladoc Rd 3rd right
St Annes Ave EOR right
St Ladoc Rd 1st right
St Georges Rd Becomes
Lockingwell Rd EOR right
Charlton Rd 1st left
Caernarvon Rd 2nd left
Queens Rd EOR right
Park Rd 1st left
Albert Rd Becomes
Temple St 2 Mini roundabouts ahead
High St Junction ahead
High St Roundabout right
Station Rd – Keynsham Rd 1 st right after Station
Avon Mill Lane Mini roundabout right
Avon Mill Lane Mini roundabout left
Bath Hill East Mini roundabout ahead
Bath Hill East Mini roundabout left
Bath Rd Roundabout left
Keynsham By-Pass Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Bath Rd T/L ahead
Bath Rd T/L left
Flowers Hill 2nd right
Government Buildings Rd Left

Route 11

Test Route 11 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR left
Flowers Hill T/L right
Bath Rd T/L ahead, roundabout right
Bristol Rd Mini roundabout ahead
Durley Hill / Bristol Rd Roundabout, bear right 2 nd exit
High St Bear left, mini roundabout left
Bath Hill West 2 x mini roundabouts ahead
Bath Hill East Mini roundabout left
Bath Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit, right
Manor Rd / Montague Rd / Manor Rd Left
Claverton Rd / Claverton Rd
West EOR right
Grange Rd E.O.R left
Bath Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Keynsham by-pass Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Bath Rd T/L ahead, T/L left
Flowers Hill 2 nd right
Government Buildings Rd Left

Route 12

Test Route 12 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR left
Flowers Hill T/L right
Bath Rd T/L ahead, roundabout ahead
Keynsham By-Pass Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Bath Rd 2 nd left
Chandag Rd 3 rd left
Windrush rd Follow right
Minsmere Rd EOR left
Hurn Lane EOR right
Manor Rd Right
Lytes Cary Rd EOR right
Courteney Rd EOR right
Wellsway Mini roundabout left
Bath Hill East 2 x mini roundabouts ahead, mini roundabout left
Temple St Mini roundabout right
Rock Rd Right
Ashton Way Mini roundabout left
Charlton Rd Right
Culvers Rd EOR right
St Ladocs Rd Mini roundabout left
Bristol Rd / Durley Hill Roundabout left
Bath Rd 2 x T/L ahead, T/L left
Flowers Hill 2 nd right
Government Buildings Rd Left

Route 13

Test Route 13 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR left
Flowers Hill T/L right
Bath Rd T/L ahead, roundabout right
Durley Hill / Bristol Rd Mini roundabout ahead
Bristol Rd Roundabout left
Station Rd / Keynsham Rd Mini roundabout left
Willsbridge Hill Mini roundabout right
Bath Rd Right
Longbeach Rd EOR right
California Rd / Court Rd Left
Westcourt Drive EOR left
West St / Cowhorn Hill / Tower Rd South Mini roundabout ahead, left
Cadbury Heath Rd T/L right
Wraxall Rd EOR left
Craven Way Mini roundabout left, roundabout right
Marsham Way Roundabout left
Avon Ring Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Bath Rd T/L ahead, T/L left
Flowers Hill 2 nd right
Government Buildings Rd Left

Route 14

Test Route 14 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR left
Flowers Hill T/L right
Bath Rd T/L ahead, roundabout ahead
Keynsham By-Pass Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Bath Rd Keynsham Right
Unity Rd Bear left, ahead
Gaston Ave / Avon Rd / Fox
And Hounds Lane Mini roundabout right
Bath Hill West Mini roundabout ahead
Bath Rd West Mini roundabout left
Temple St Mini roundabout ahead
Albert Rd EOR left
Park Rd Right
Coronation Rd EOR left
Caernarthon Rd EOR right
Charlton Rd 3 rd left
Lockingwell Rd EOR left
Charlton Rd Mini roundabout ahead, left
High St Roundabout ahead
Bristol Rd Mini roundabout ahead
Durley Hill Roundabout left
Bath Rd 2 x T/L ahead, T/L left
Flowers Hill 2 nd right
Government Buildings Rd Left

Route 15

Test Route 15 at Bristol (Brislington) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Government Buildings Rd EOR left
Flowers Hill T/L right
Bath Rd T/L ahead, roundabout left
Avon Ring Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Marsham Way Roundabout ahead, T/L ahead, roundabout right
Stonehill T/L ahead
High St, Hanham 3 rd right
Victoria Rd Left
Alexandra Rd EOR right
Beechwood Ave Left
Wesley Ave EOR left
Greenbank EOR left
Hollyguest Rd EOR right
Mount Hill Rd Mini roundabout ahead
Cock Rd Mini roundabout ahead, mini roundabout right
Wraxall Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit
Avon Ring Rd Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Bath Rd Roundabout right 3 rd exit, T/L
ahead, T/L left
Flowers Hill 2 nd right
Government Buildings Rd Left

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