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Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) Driving Test Routes

Driving practical driving test routes used at Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) test centre

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) below.

While test routes around Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) are likely to be very similar to our compiled list, you should treat this content as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are subject to change.

Route 1

Test Route 1 at Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Vandyke Rd Roundabout ahead, crossroads left
Shenley Hill Rd 3 rd left
St Leonards Close EOR left
Shenley Hill Rd EOR right
Leighton Rd Left
Old Linslade Rd Crossroads left
Plantation Rd Right
Church St Roundabout left
Relief Rd Roundabout ahead
Lake St Roundabout right
Billington Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout left
Bypass Left
Stanbridge Rd Double roundabout right, left, roundabout ahead, left
Lywood Rd Left
Stanbridge Rd Right
Brooklands Ave Right
Brooklands Drive Right
Hockliffe Rd Left
Appenine Way Left
Meadway Roundabout left
Vandyke Rd Left

Route 2

Test Route 2 at Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Vandyke Rd Roundabout right
Meadway Roundabout left
Appenine Way 2 nd left
Phoenix Close EOR left
Appenine Way EOR right
Hockliffe Rd 2 nd left T/L
Brooklands Drive EOR left
South St EOR right
Stanbridge Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout left
Lake St Roundabout ahead
Relief Rd Roundabout ahead
West St / Leighton Rd 2 x T/L ahead
Stoke Rd Left
Rosebury Rd EOR left
Stoke Rd Left
Old Linslade Rd EOR right
Birds Hill Left
Eastern Way Right
Mile Tree Rd / Vandyke Rd Roundabout ahead
Vandyke Rd Left

Route 3

Test Route 3 at Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Vandyke Rd Left
Atterbury Ave Right
Brook Green Right
Hockliffe Rd Roundabout ahead
Hockliffe St Roundabout right
Relief Rd Roundabout ahead
West St / Leighton Rd T/L ahead
Leighton Rd T/L ahead
Stoke Rd Left
Rosebury Ave Right
Stoke Rd Right 2 nd T/L
Wing Rd Left
Mentmore Rd / Comberton Rd Left
Mentmore Rd Right
Cedars Way Left
Wing Rd Roundabout left
Bypass 3 x roundabout ahead
Bypass Left
Stanbridge Rd Roundabout left, right roundabout ahead, right
South St Left
Hockliffe Rd Roundabout right
Beaudesert Right
Vandyke Rd Right

Route 4

Test Route 4 at Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Vandyke Rd Left
Clarence Rd Right
Nelson Rd Left
Churchill Rd Right
Clarence Rd Right
Heath Rd Left
Greenhill / Shepherds Mead Left
Greenhill Right
Plantation Rd Right
Hillside Rd / Heath Rd / Cotefield
Drive Left
Heath Rd Right
Ashwell St Roundabout ahead
Bassett Rd Left
West St Roundabout ahead
Relief Rd Roundabout ahead
Lake St Roundabout right
Billington Rd Roundabout right, roundabout left
By Pass Left
Stanbridge Rd Double roundabout right, left, roundabout ahead, right
Brooklands Ave Right
Brooklands Drive T/L right
Hockliffe Rd Left
Appenine Way Right
Meadway Roundabout Left
Vandyke Rd Left

Route 5

Test Route 5 at Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Vandyke Rd Left
Atterbury Ave Right
Brook Green Right
Hockliffe Rd Roundabout ahead
Hockliffe St Roundabout right
Relief Rd Roundabout ahead
West St / Leighton Rd T/L ahead
Leighton Rd Left
Wing Rd Right
Victoria Rd / Waterloo Rd Left
Church St Left
New Rd Roundabout right
Station Approach Left
Soulbury Rd Left
Springfield Rd / Southcourt Ave / Barnabas Rd Left
Southcourt Ave Roundabout right
Himley Green Right
Grasmere Way Right
Himley Green / Bideford Green Left
Soulbury Rd EOR right
Stoke Rd Left
Old Linsdale Rd Crossroads right
Plantation Rd Left
Greenhill Right
Heath Rd Right
Clarence Rd Right
Vandyke Rd Left

Route 6

Test Route 6 at Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Vandyke Rd Left
Clarance Rd Left
Garden Hedge Right
St Andrews St Left
North St Roundabout right
West St / Leighton Rd T/L left
Wings Rd Right
Victoria-Waterloo-Vicarage Rd Left
Church Rd Left
New Rd Roundabout right
Station Rd Left
Soulbury Rd Left
Bideford Green / Derwent Rd / Melfort
Drive Left
Derwent Rd / Himley Green Left
Grasmere Way Left
Himley Green Roundabout right
Bunkers Lane Right
Wing Rd Roundabout left
Bypass 2 x roundabout ahead
Bypass Roundabout left
Billington Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout left
Lake St Roundabout right
Hockliffe St Roundabout left
Beaudesert Right
Vandyke Rd Right

Route 7

Test Route 7 at Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Vandyke Rd Left
Clarance Rd Right
Heath Rd Left
Greenhill / Shepherds Mead Left
Greenhill Right
Plantation Rd Crossroads right
Old Linslade Rd Left
Woburn Rd Roundabout right
A5 Right
Eastern Way Left
Leighton Rd / Heath Rd / Church St Right
Mill Rd Roundabout left
Bassett Rd Left
West St Roundabout ahead
Relief Rd Roundabout left
Hockliffe St Roundabout right
Hockliffe Rd Left
Brook Green Left
Kiteleys Green Right
Brook Green Left
Hockliffe Rd Left
Appenine Way Left
Meadway Roundabout left
Vandyke Rd Left

Route 8

Test Route 8 at Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Vandyke Rd Roundabout right
Meadway Left
Appenine Way / Phoenix Close Left
Appenine Way Left
Hockliffe Rd / Leighton Rd Right
Eggington Rd Left
Stanbridge Rd Right
Stanbridge Village Left
Stanbridge Village Right
By Pass Right
Stanbridge Rd Double Roundabout right, left roundabout ahead, left
Lywood Rd Left
Stanbridge Rd Right
South St Left
Albany Rd Right
Hartwell Grove Left
Dudley St Right
Lake St Roundabout ahead
Relief Rd Roundabout ahead
West St Right
Bassett Rd Roundabout right
Mill Rd Left
Church Rd / Hall Rd Right
Clarance Rd Right
Vandyke Rd Left

Route 9

Test Route 9 at Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Vandyke Rd Left
Atterbury Ave Left
Brook Green Left
Kiteleys Green Right
Brook Green Right
Hockliffe Rd Roundabout ahead
Hockliffe St Roundabout right
Relief Rd Roundabout ahead
West St Right
Bassett Rd Roundabout right
Mill Rd Left
Church Rd / Heath Rd Right
Eastern Way Left
A5 Roundabout left
Woburn Rd Right
Old Linslade Rd Crossroads left
Plantation Rd Left
Hillside Rd / Poplar Close Right
Hillside Rd Left
Plantation Rd Right
Church St Left
St Andrews / Beaudesert Roundabout left
Hockliffe Rd Left
Appenine Way Left
Meadway Roundabout left
Vandyke Rd Left

Route 10

Test Route 10 at Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Right
Vandyke Rd Roundabout right
Meadway Right
Appenine Way / Pegasus Rd Left
Appenine Way Right
Hockliffe Rd Left
South St Right
Albany Rd Right
Hartwell Grove Left
Dudley St (One Way) Right
Lake St Roundabout ahead
Relief Rd Roundabout ahead
West St Right
Bassett Rd Roundabout left
Queens St / Kings St Left
Plantation Rd EOR crossroads right
Old Linslade Rd Left
Woburn Rd Roundabout right
A5 Right
Eastern Way Left
Leighton Rd / Heath Rd Left
Clarence Rd Right
Vandyke Rd Left

Route 11

Test Route 11 at Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Vandyke Rd Left
Beaudesert Roundabout left, right
South St Left
Stanbridge Rd Right
Lywood Rd Left
Weston Rd Right
Lywood Rd / High Croft Left
Lywood Rd Right
Stanbridge Rd Roundabout ahead, double roundabout right, left, left, right, right
Billington Rd Roundabout left
Bypass Roundabout right
Grovebury Rd Roundabout right
Chartmoor Left
Eden Way Left
Chartmoor Roundabout left
Billington Rd Roundabout left
Lake St Roundabout ahead
Relief Rd Roundabout ahead
West St Right
Bassett Rd Roundabout right
Mill Rd Left
Church St / Heath Rd Right
Shenley Rd Crossroads right
Vandyke Rd Roundabout ahead, left

Route 12

Test Route 12 at Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) test centre
Road Direction
DTC Left
Vandyke Rd Left
Atterbury Ave Right
Brook Green Left
Hockliffe Rd / Leighton Rd EOR T/L left
A5 Left
Eastern Way Left
Leighton Rd / Heath Rd Right
Heath Park Rd / Copper Beech Left
Heath Park Rd Right
Sandy Lane Right
Heath Rd Right
Mill Rd Roundabout left
Bassett Rd Left
West St Roundabout ahead
Relief Rd Roundabout left
Hockliffe St Roundabout right
Hockliffe Rd Left
Brook Green Left
Kitleys Green Right
Brook Green Left
Hockliffe Rd Left
Appenine Way Left
Meadway Roundabout left
Vandyke Rd Left

Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) Test Centre Info

Leighton Buzzard (Stanbridge Road) Driving Test Centre

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